The ILO Certification Programme for SIYB Trainers offers participants the opportunity to become certified trainers for the ILO SIYB training packages. This online academy provides training of trainers in both content and methodological issues. It is a must for any trainer working for a public or private institution striving to make a real difference in the lives of new or existing entrepreneurs. It is based on the most recent versions of Generate Your Business Idea (GYB), Start Your Business (SYB) and Improve Your Business (IYB).
The ILO Certification Programme for SIYB Trainers welcomes: - Trainers working for public or private institutions, BDS providers, microfinance institutions or as consultants; - Established ILO-certified trainers who want to upgrade their skills and/or become trainers for new training packages; - Managers of enterprise development organizations or microfinance institutions who wish to learn more about the training offered by the ILO for their programmes and projects.
The My.COOP package consists of 4 modules:
The My.COOP distance learning Training of Trainers (TOT) programme assumes that its participants are already familiar with the operations and challenges of agricultural cooperatives. The objective of the distance learning programme is thus NOT to train professionals who want to acquire knowledge regarding cooperatives. The TOT will rather allow cooperative experts to acquire the necessary competencies to design and deliver an interactive and participatory face-to-face training using the My.COOP training modules (focus on training methods).
After having completed the Training of Trainers, participants will be able to:
The ToT requires an overall commitment of 80 hours of active study/participation.
The successful participation in phase 1 and 2 will result in a Certificate of Participation by the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO). The successful conclusion of phase 3 will result in an ILO Certificate of “My.Coop Trainer”.