E-Coaching on Social Protection: Towards Responsive Systems

E-Coaching on Social Protection: Towards Responsive Systems

E-Coaching on Social Protection: Towards Responsive Systems

El curso está disponible en English
Key features

Integrating real time e-learning and e-coaching


On the job e-coaching to help you apply learning to your context


Successful candidates will obtain an ITCILO Certificate of Achievement

Presentación del curso

Two years on from the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries across the world are still grappling with the ensuing socio-economic consequences. Social protection is still high on the agenda in most countries and programmes are still essential to help cushion people from this protracted crisis. As 50 per cent of the world's population does not benefit from any form of social protection, this continues to be an unprecedented challenge. Drawing on the ILO's knowledge and expertise, this e-learning programme offers you the opportunity to further strengthen your competences in social protection in the context of this global crisis, learn about best practices, and get on-the-job technical support through e-coaching. As a result, you will be able to devise more responsive and sustainable social protection interventions to help your country better manage the disruption brought about by COVID-19 and mitigate its longer-term social and economic impacts on the most vulnerable groups.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

This programme is designed for a wide range of professionals working in social protection institutions, ministries, international organizations and social-partner and civil-society organizations tasked with designing and implementing social protection measures, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following requirements are therefore essential for participation in the programme: the ability to use and access a computer with internet connectivity; and a working knowledge of written English. Same country delegations are strongly encouraged to take part in the programme, in order to devise systemic responses to country-specific challenges.

What will I learn?

This e-Learning programme offers a flexible and phased learning experience to enable a wide range of professionals to better respond to changing social protection needs in the context of a disruptive environment.

  • Social protection fundamentals: principles, concepts and challenges in developing and implementing responsive social protection interventions in the current context
  • Lessons from social protection responses to ongoing emergencies: getting real time data and information from experts and a global network of social protection professionals
  • Best practices and lessons learned: exploring and analysing the most innovative, effective and sustainable measures currently implemented around the world
  • High-quality ‘real time’ online tuition: get access to social protection technical experts and sector specialists through asynchronous and synchronous online tuition
  • Focus on a specific area of work: select a specific area of work depending on your needs and context from a range of interventions including social health protection, contributory and non-contributory schemes and responses
  • On the job technical support: provided through tailored one to one e-coaching by technical experts
What will I be able to do?
  • Understand key principles, concepts and challenges to update and enhance your social protection competences within the framework of the unfolding crisis
  • Review and analyse best practices in country responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they might apply to your own context
  • Apply learning to your context by conducting a needs assessment to identify possible social protection interventions and coverage gaps   
  • Undertake a social protection policy analysis and formulate evidence-based recommendations to increase the effectiveness of your social protection system
  • Develop a responsive social protection intervention with support from sector experts through dedicated distance coaching sessions
Why should I join?

This online learning programme is specifically designed for experienced officials and professionals working in social protection to help them analyze and respond to their rapidly changing context.

  • Benefit from a blend of online resources on best practices and case studies, "real time" interactive sessions led by highly qualified experts, individual and collaborative exercises using our e-campus platform
  • Access the latest information and data on worldwide social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.
  • Access high-quality e-coaching from world experts in social protection without the need to travel
  • Join and interact online with a global network of professionals to share learning, best practices as well as peer coaching and support
  • Successful candidates receive an ITCILO Certificate of Achievement

Course learning materials and tuition will be offered online in English. The coaching component of the programme will be made available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic based on participant needs and depending on the availability of suitable coaches.


This programme consists of a number of online modules as well as an e-coaching component for an estimated total of 60 learning hours over a period of 12 weeks.

The programme is divided into three distinct phases:

  • Phase 1 – Towards responsive social protection: Optional online self-paced modules including interactive sessions and engaging video presentations on key social protection models, issues and challenges within the current context.
  • Phase 2 – Best practices and lessons learned: This phase will include:
    • A series of six live webinars and panel discussions on topical themes with sector experts and thought leaders
    • Opportunities for connecting with the experts and knowledge sharing with your peers
    • Interactive learning activities
    • Select a specific area of focus for your technical note
    • Have your work peer assessed.
  • Phase 3 – On the job e-coaching: Participants who successfully complete the first two phases of the programme will be allocated an expert e-coach based on their area of focus. This will support you to learn on the job in order to develop and implement effective and responsive social protection interventions. The e-coaching module will comprise:
    • One-to-one coaching sessions.

Participants will also have the option of enrolling in a Virtual Reality (VR) version of the programme. Applied to Phase 3 of the course, VR state of the art technology will allow participants to be immersed in highly interactive and lifelike engaging e-coaching sessions


Tuition: 1980 Euros

Tuition with Virtual Reality option: To be confirmed.

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