E-learning course on Institutional capacity building for effective labour market information systems (LMIS)

Institutional capacity building for effective labour market information systems (LMIS)

E-learning course on Institutional capacity building for effective labour market information systems (LMIS)

2 Noviembre–4 Diciembre 2020
El curso está disponible en English

This course aims to build institutional capacities to design effective systems for comprehensive, timely and high-quality labour market data production and analysis that supports evidence-based policy formulation.

Presentación del curso

This course aims to build institutional capacities to design effective systems for comprehensive, timely and high-quality labour market data production and analysis that supports evidence-based policy formulation.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

Statisticians and analysts from national statistical offices, ministries of labour and related institutions (such as labour observatories) and other government agencies responsible for labour market data analysis and national SDG reporting; research and academic institutions; international organizations; development agencies; non-governmental organizations.

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