Making Workplaces Safer and Healthier Boosting Strategic Trade Unions Action on OSH as FPRW – Asia Pacific

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Making Workplaces Safer and Healthier Boosting Strategic Trade Unions Action on OSH as FPRW – Asia Pacific

El curso está disponible en English

Online, 22 April – 17 May 2024

How can workers and their organizations ensure and promote safer and healthier working conditions?

In a region where industrial accidents are frequent and millions of preventable deaths occur every year, it is critical to enhance the capacities of workers in OSH. The 2022 ILO Declaration recognizes OSH as a fundamental principle and right at work, providing workers with the power and leverage to take strategic actions.

This 4-week online course will help trade unions take a transformative and leading role on actions towards ratification and compliance with C155 and C187, influence OSH regulations, and design strategies for safer and healthier workplaces, including in OSH reporting, organizing and collective bargaining.

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