Master in Technology and Public Policy

Master in Technology and Public Policy (ed. 2022-2023)
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Master in Technology and Public Policy


1 Noviembre 2024–31 Octubre 2025
El curso está disponible en English

The Master aims to provide the expertise needed to understand technological innovation, the challenges and opportunities it poses, and to train agents who can steer and govern this innovation through public policy.

Key features
Innovative methods

Learn by doing, through case studies, workshops, active visits to research centres, group works and policy laboratories.

Stimulating discussions

Exchange ideas and knowledge with international students and a global faculty.

High-level resources

Engage with experts from the ILO and the ITCILO, officials from other international organizations, the expertise of the leading technical university Politecnico di Torino, global practitioners and academia

Presentación del Maestría

Global trends show that technological innovation, digital transformation and the revolution in artificial intelligence are shaping unprecedented and challenging future scenarios. Public-policy and decision-making processes need to adapt their strategies to respond promptly and effectively to forthcoming challenges and shape a sustainable future from an economic, social and environmental perspective. To deal with the future challenges posed by technological change, the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), under the auspices of the Turin School of Development (TSD) and in partnership with the Politecnico di Torino, is offering this Master in Technology and Public Policy - Achieving Social Impact. Taught by a global faculty, participants will be able to: - understand the features of technological innovation in various fields, from digitalization, green energy and the circular economy to space economy, e-health and the silver economy; - thoroughly examine the links between technological innovation processes and public-policy production; - analyse the social, economic, legal and cultural determinants of technology and its impacts on both the economy and society; - assess public-policy interventions in response to issues arising from the use of new technologies; - design public-policy responses to targeted questions in different technological and institutional contexts and explore how new forms of innovation can contribute to social, economic and ecological sustainability. Participants will acquire a combination of scientific, technical and policy-analysis tools, techniques and skills for recognizing and anticipating change, while responding to complex situations in their respective fields. Throughout the course, participants will be supported in the design and development of a specific project addressing challenges posed by the continuous process of technological innovation. This will constitute their final thesis.

¿Quiénes participan en este Master?

The Master is intended for officials and/or professionals working in the public administration and international organizations in the fields of economic, technological, industrial and social policy; experts in the public affairs departments of technology companies; practitioners in the field of industrial and employment relations from both the private and the public sector; officials of trade unions and employers' organizations; policy analysts working for national and international think tanks, financial institutions, research departments of banks, insurance companies and foundations; young graduates who intend to pursue a career in public administration, international organizations, NGOs, strategy and policy consultancy firms and leading technology companies. The essential requirements for admission are a Bachelor's Degree (minimum three years' duration), fluency in English, ability to use a computer and access to the internet.

What are the topics?
  • Technological innovation, digital transformation and Artificial Intelligence revolution
  • Public policy design and production for new technological scenarios and social challenges;
  • Technology for Sustainability, Inculsion and Social Impact;
  • Policy impact evaluation;
  • Sustainable transitions through socio-technical system shifts;
  • Economics of innovation, employment and labour markets;
  • Public policy design and project management.
What will I learn?

Participants will acquire tools and expertise to 

  • Understand the main features of technological innovation as applied to different economic sectors
  • Discern the processes and stages of public policy production in different institutional contexts
  • Critically analyse the impact of technological change on both economy and society, at multiple levels (e.g. employment, wealth concentration and globalization, poverty and social cohesion, environment) 
  • Recognise and interpret the social, economic, legal and cultural preconditions related to technological development
  • Analyse the links between technological change and public policy in all the various contexts that technological innovations can shape
  • Assess existing or new public policy interventions in response to social, economic, legal and environmental issues arising from the use of new technologies
  • Design public policy responses to targeted questions in different technological and institutional contexts at a country-based level, with an aim to promote sustainable value creation through technological innovation
  • Identify the new economic and social challenges posed globally by innovation and digitalization and transform them into new opportunities for all.

This one-year Master programme is intensive by design. It combines a distance-learning module, a face-to-face component and the preparation of the final thesis.

The Master is delivered as a First-level Master’s Degree by the Politecnico di Torino.

1 November 2024 to 25 April 2025

Students learn and practice through an online platform and live webinars

Topics covered include:

  • Introduction to Public Policy Analysis
  • Innovation Management
  • Introduction to Project Cycle Management


  • AI, Big Data and Regulation
  • AI, Decision Making and Social Foresight
  • Cybersecurity and Policy
  • Data Inequalities and Digital Inclusion


  • Technology and Social Impact
  • Sustainability and Circular Economy and Territories (sustainable mobility)
  • Climate Transition and Policy
  • Energy Transformation and Policy
  • Space Economy and Use of Satellite Telecom for Inclusion
  • Technology and Sustainable Agriculture/Food

28 April to 27 June 2025

Students will learn and practice through live classes held by an international faculty. Classes will be held in presence at the ITCILO Campus in Turin.

Topics covered include:


  • Policy Design
  • Policymaking process and public policy debates
  • Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Impact Measurement and Evaluation (Social Impact of Technology)
  • Digitalization of public administration, data access and security
  • Industrial policy and Industry 4.0/5.0;
  • AI, big data and algorithmic regulation and decision-making process;
  • Project Finance, Fin-Tech and Social Impact Investments


  • Socioeconomic and Political Impact of Technology
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the use of Technology
  • Technology and Globalization
  • Digital Transformation, platform economy, AI and Future of Work

30 June to 31 October 2025

Through home-based research, participants complete an original written project related to a specific challenge as final thesis. The project should be based on a specific economic, social and ecological challenge and testable at the country or community level. Tutors and professors will provide guidance.

Why should I enroll?

The unique learning path offered by this Master merges theoretical and practical learning methodologies and ensures an extraordinary transfer of knowledge and competences with a multidisciplinary and applied approach.

  • This Master draws from the ITCILO’s training portfolio, the ILO’s research, and Politecnico di Torino’s expertise in both academic research and educational programs for hi-potential students (with its Master School).
  • Participants interact with their environment through a hands-on learning approach, which includes case studies, workshops, active visits to research centres and group exercises and policy laboratories.
  • Dedicated tutors are available to answer questions and provide support throughout the learning journey.
  • Each participant develops a unique final project, in the form of a thesis project.
Our partner
Politecnico di Torino
Politecnico di Torino

For more than 160 years , Politecnico di Torino has been among the most prestigious European institutions in the fields of learning, research, technological transfer and services . In nowadays ever-changing scenario, PoliTO arises as a leading university worldwide (top 25%) with top-quality study paths in all fields of engineering, architecture, design, and urban planning. Learn more

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