Conducta Empresarial Responsable y Libertad Sindical

Responsible business conduct and child labour
Photo © Adobe Stock/Tinnakorn

Conducta Empresarial Responsable y Libertad Sindical

Understanding the elimination of child labour and ILO core conventions for effective human rights due diligence

14 Abril–2 Mayo 2025
El curso está disponible en English, Español
Presentación del curso

Este curso explora el principio y derecho fundamental a la libertad sindical y el derecho a la negociación colectiva, centrándose en cómo las empresas, las instituciones financieras de desarrollo, las empresas estatales y las agencias de contratación pública pueden promover una conducta empresarial responsable. Destaca el papel de la libertad sindical en el fomento de condiciones de trabajo justas y seguras, permitiendo a los trabajadores organizarse y negociar colectivamente para obtener mejores condiciones de empleo. Los participantes aprenderán la importancia de la debida diligencia en materia de derechos humanos (DDH) para defender estos derechos, garantizando que las empresas respeten y promuevan la negociación colectiva en todas sus operaciones y cadenas de suministro. El objetivo del curso es dotar a las partes interesadas de las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para poner en práctica la libertad sindical de una manera que se ajuste a las normas internacionales del trabajo y a las prácticas empresariales sostenibles.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

- Empresas (privadas o estatales); - Ministerios competentes con un mandato e interés específicos en las empresas y los derechos humanos (comercio, contratación pública, justicia y derechos humanos); - Instituciones de financiación del desarrollo; - Instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos; - Instituciones académicas; - Puntos focales nacionales designados a nivel tripartito para la promoción de la Declaración EMN y puntos de contacto nacionales de la OCDE para la CER; - Agencias de la ONU; - Organizaciones empresariales, de empleadores y sindicatos.

What topics does this course cover?

This course provides participants with the essential building blocks related to child labour and responsible business conduct, structured in five modules:

  • ILO core conventions, and resources related to child labour: Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy;
  • Understanding child labour and data collection;
  • Sectoral and regional perspectives on the elimination of child labour;
  • Company initiatives, multi-stakeholders initiatives and partnerships for the ;abolition of child labour
  • Grievance mechanisms, access to remedy and remediation.
What will I be able to do?

Participants will be able to advise their institutions to further advance responsible business conduct and contribute to more effective HRDD processes related to child labour, including:

  • Strengthening existing or newly HRDD systems in terms of child labour
  • Identification of child labour
  • Develop and establish partnerships for the elimination of child labour
  • Grievance mechanisms and access to remediation
  • Designing HRDD interventions relative to child labour
What will I learn?
  • Have a clear understanding of integrated approaches towards the abolition of child labour;
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of enterprises and governments towards the elimination of child labour;
  • Learn from ILO experts, enterprises, and multi-stakeholder initiatives on the latest innovations towards the elimination of child labour;
  • Practical approaches towards effective HRDD and child labour.
Why should I join?

The International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) is part of the UN system and is the training arm of the International Labour Organization. The ITCILO is known for innovative learning methods and for being a marketplace for new ideas and innovations

in the world of work.

  • An opportunity to connect and interact with colleagues from across the globe on topics of mutual concern;
  • Learn from and with each other on best practices;
  • Engage with experts from international and regional organizations on tools and instruments to advance workers’ rights in business operations.
  • Successful candidates receive an ITCILO Certificate of participation.
Course structure and methodology

The course will be offered through the eCampus – the ITCILO learning platform – over a period of 3 weeks from 16 September to 4 October 2024, for an estimated total of 32 learning hours.

  • Online learning: Flexible self-guided online learning on the ITCILO eCampus.
  • ‘Real time’ learning and experience sharing: live interactive webinars with highly experienced trainers and resources persons.
  • Forum and experience sharing: Interactions among the participants and with the facilitators during the live sessions as well as on the course forum.

As part of your participation, you will develop a specific HRDD component related to child labour (risk assessment, capacity building plan, intervention and remedial mechanisms, etc.) relevant to the product/service, sector and/or location of your choice.

At the end of the learning journey, participants receive a Certificate of Participation.

How to register

Please apply by 10 September 2024 via the following link:

Partial scholarships are available for qualifying candidates and will be allocated on a rolling basis. Therefore, we encourage interested candidates to apply as early as possible.

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