Young people thinking ahead

Future of work

Young people thinking ahead

For its 100th anniversary, the ILO is inviting young people from all over the world to a summer event on the future of work.

Future of work


What is it?

This project is one of seven initiatives organized in the run up to the ILO’s centenary, in 2019.

The ITCILO aims to sustain a global dialogue about the challenges and opportunities related to the future of work through an online platform and in-person training activities.


How does it work?

The initiative is rooted in four key areas:

  • Dialogue events, to start conversations about the future of work

  • Training courses, organized in the field, in Turin, and online

  • Knowledge management, a one-stop-shop for resources used in courses and events

  • Innovation fund, the ITCILO’s monetary support mechanism for learning and training

The online platform contains ILO reports, papers, and briefs, as well as a space for discussion about the future of work. It is designed for researchers, policy-makers, and the general public.

The ITCILO’s main goal is to strengthen the capacity building component of the ILO’s larger initiative around the future of work.


Where can I find more information?

This page in ILO website provides background information and more details about the initiative.