AI Masterclass
Photo © Adobe Stock/Toeytoey


Available in English

Today, the interaction of digital technologies with daily routines isn't merely a passing trend but a fundamental shift, continuously redefining the possibilities and challenges in the world of work. This course aims to demystify AI and provides insights and skills on it thanks to a heterogeneous group of experts.

They will explore AI's effects on training, knowledge management, and workforce development. They'll tackle key trends, and ethical considerations, and showcase innovative applications of AI that you can apply in your everyday life.

Whether you're a student, educator, or professional, this Masterclass is your guide to staying relevant and succeeding in the evolving landscape of AI and education.

Want to join?

This free masterclass is available on eCampus, the ITCILO's online learning platform.

What will I learn?

From the Director of Training at ITCILO, to a Gender Specialist and Youth Empowerment Advisor, throughout 9 video lessons, each expert's unique role and knowledge contribute to unfolding the evolving landscape of personalized learning, addressing biases, navigating the ethical implications of AI in education, and providing a comprehensive understanding of how AI facets intertwine with collaborative education practices.


Lesson 1: Harnessing AI for Capacity Development, LT4D and Decent Work

Analyse why ITCILO is involved in the broad AI discussion and its application spectrum in learning and capacity development; understand which principles for the ethical use of AI that guide ITCILO’s work. Explore how ITCILO intends to use AI to enhance its capacity development services


Lesson 2: Key Trends and overall Impact of AI

Learn about the difference between artificial basic intelligence and artificial general intelligence, and the evolution of human employment and key trends in the use of AI. Explore the human knowledge and the challenges posed by AI to the traditional notion of learning


Lesson 3: The Intersection of AI and Knowledge Management

Understand how can AI increase knowledge work and improve decision making, how AI tools can contribute to a better processing, analysing and derive insights from large amounts of data, and how knowledge workers can benefit from the use of AI and adapt to the ever-evolving context in which they operate.


Lesson 4: Tailoring Education: The AI Revolution in Personalized Learning Paths

Understand how AI can contribute to the development of personalized learning paths. Explore how AI influences learning design and the overall learning experience and discover the challenges and the limitations to face while implementing AI for personalized learning


Lesson 5: Navigating Gender Dynamics in AI-Enhanced Technologies

Understand how AI-driven models interact with gender biases and discover how gender inequalities are affected by AI. Check some examples of how to leverage on AI to promote gender justice


Lesson 6: Exploring Collaborative Learning in the age of AI

Discover the synergies between collaborative learning and AI-powered tools to enhance group-based learning experiences. Learn more about AI-enhanced peer-review processes and how they contribute to robust feedback loops. Understand how learners and trainers can adapt to an environment increasingly influenced by AI-enhanced collaborative tools


Lesson 7: Moving Beyond Content Production in the AI Age

Stay informed on the transformation of traditional instructional design practices and pivotal tools to design and deliver tailored educational content. Identify organizational gaps and skills mapping in the AI age


Lesson 8: Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Education

Reflect on how educators mitigate privacy risks when deploying AI-powered tools, how biases in algorithms can impact the fairness of learning outcomes and which strategies could mitigate these biases, and how ethical practices will evolve in AI-powered learning and training?


Lesson 9: Innovation & Progress: AI’s Role in Crafting Better Questions

Reflect on new needs, opportunities and questions Ai will bring: what if we would use AI to ask better questions, focusing on a coevolution of AI and humans? And how can we team-up with AI as intellectual sparring partners to enhance our own capabilities?

How will I learn?

Explore our 9-video lesson series for a flexible and self-paced learning experience. Our specialists share their stories and expertise, providing valuable insights to enhance your understanding. Progress at your own pace, and when you're ready, assess your knowledge to earn a digital credential, validating your newfound expertise.