Original report by:
In line with the 2019 ILO capacity development strategy, the capacity development services of the Centre group into three categories: individual-level capacity development, institutional-level capacity development and system-level capacity development.
The principal means of the Centre to build individual-level capacity is training, delivered online or face-to-face. To build institutional-level capacity, the Centre offers technical advisory services, training material development and media development support to ILO constituents and other intermediaries with a mandate to promote Decent Work. To strengthen system-level capacity, the Centre facilitates dialogue activities and knowledge management services.
The preparation of the original report fell in the time when the Centre witnessed a shift from its previous main emphasis in the service portfolio on individual-level capacity development with focus on face-to-face training to distance learning because of expansive travel restrictions throughout 2020 due to COVID-19.
In 2020, the Centre reached more than 50,000 learners from more than 180 countries with training and more than hundred organizations with non-training services.
Furthermore, the Centre has seen a significant change when it comes to delivering services with institutional-level and system-level capacity development services showing an increase in number of assignments and turnover in relation to the delivery of traditional training services on campus or in the field.
1. compliance with standards
2. satisfaction of the demands of clients
3. acceptable rate of price and costs
Any form of providing help on the content, process or structure of a task or series of tasks, where the service provider is not actually responsible for doing the task itself but is helping those who are
When any time a professional is trying to change or improve a situation or a system but has no direct control over the implementation
1. Reliability involves consistency of performance and dependability
2. Responsiveness concerns the willingness of staff to provide service
3. Competence means required skills and knowledge to perform the service
4. Access involves approachability and ease of contact
5. Courtesy involves politeness, respect, consideration, of contact staff
6. Communication means keeping customers informed
7. Credibility involves trustworthiness, believability, and customer's interests
8. Understanding the client's needs
A proto-typical iterative agile process
Constituents of the ILO rightly demand measurable impact towards the decent work agenda. It is clear that the Training Department with its comprehensive and stringent evaluation approach professionally assesses the impact of training activities by Level 3 and Level 4 of the Centre’s evaluation methodology. In turn, the QA process for non-training services would also need to compile qualitative information on the immediate outcome and impact of the Centre’s services.
In line with the international trend of applying “holistic” or “integrated” management systems to an organization, the question then arises what elements of the QA architecture ITCILO already has in place for individual level training services could possibly be utilized for assessing quality and impact of institutional level non-training services to avoid parallel or even competing QA systems, tools, and processes.
Utilize the set of quality assurance tools and instruments on a regular basis by default instead of ad-hoc basis.
The Centre can set and aim for achieving a key performance indicator (KPI),i.e. the change in the clients institutional performance as an immediate outcome of the delivered service. To measure this, clients should be asked after a 6 to 12 months incubation period for the emerged impacts, for example:
1. To what extent have systems, materials, tools provided through the service been actually been applied and used in the institution
For the data collection, it is recommended to design an online questionnaire in line with the process steps of the agile or linear process design as basic information. The results of this questionnaire will be more of a quantitative nature as replies can be ticked in a yes / no format. The advantage is that only representatives of the customer are required to reply and they can easily and quickly fill such an online questionnaire. The KPI would be designed in way of e.g. “percentage of provided tools used in (daily) operations of customer”.
2. To what extent has the performance of the institution improved as a result of their application of the service provided.
For the data collection, a wider perspective is required, i.e. because the target group/beneficiaries of the customer will have to be addressed to actually assess the performance improvement thanks to the advisory services of ITCILO. In turn, a more qualitative methodology is required to produce tangible data, e.g. a focus group discussions or bilateral interviews with beneficiaries.
Introduce at least 4 types and clear definitions of services with two respective sub-categories for Training Material and Media Development and a separation of advisory services into Technical Advisory Services and Project Management Services
For better and more transparent understanding in MAP, aggregated reports, and potential replication of CD services for new clients. For ease of reference as well as internal and external communication it is recommended to introduce a revised categorization of institutional capacity development services.