Europe is facing major economic and social challenges. Companies' expectations on Employers Organizations (EOs) staff are growing in terms of responsiveness to their needs, capacity to lobby towards public institutions, ability to develop proposals to improve their business enabling environment.
The Employers Young Professionals Academy (EYPA) project aims at taking the issue of staff development for EOs young professionals further and at providing tailored and practical solutions in order to strengthen both personal and organizational capacity.
More specifically the project has three main objectives, notably to:
The first edition of the Academy took place in 2012 and the Academy has been organized every year since.
Participants are young professionals working in BusinessEurope Headquarters or national EOs, members of BusinessEurope. They have 3-5 years of experience and currently work in EO's social affairs, economics or European/international affairs departments.
EYPA entails a number of face to face and distance learning activities. The three face to face training programmes take place at the ITCILO in Turin, Italy.
More information on the eighth edition of the Academy (2020) is available here.
The project is led by the Programme for Employers’ Activities of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO) in partnership with: