Efforts have been undertaken and supported by ILO to reinforce the capacity of workers, supervisors and managers in the Ready-Made-Garment (RMG) sector to improve the safety of their workplaces in RMG companies in Bangladesh. Through training and education and the support of broad awareness campaigns and materials, workers and employers have benefited from improved safety practices. The International Training Centre of the ILO and ILO Dhaka Office in strong partnership with Bangladesh Employers Federation (BEF), Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers Export Association (BGMEA), Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers Export Association (BKMEA) made an agreement to reach out to 585 companies providing training material and support for the implementation of basic training events and informative sessions for mid-level managers and workers.
We are glad to announce that we hit all the targets foreseen in the third and last phase of the project in terms of numbers of reached companies and number of mid-level managers trained!
Our achievements:
For further information, please read the Working Paper: "Building a culture of Occupational Safety and Health in the Ready Made Garment sector: analysis of the project model and main achievements", by Paolo Salvai.
Total trainers: 114
Total employees (estimate): 1,500,000
Men: 6,801 Women: 1,237
The following companies voluntarily agreed to take part in the ILO Programme Building a Safety Culture at workplace in RMG sector.
In the file below you will find information about: