Employer and Business Member Organizations (EBMOs) add value to their members in many different ways. One of them is through providing training services.
By offering training, EBMOs provide tangible value for money for their members. Training provision is an essential strategy to retain existing members and attract new ones, leading to greater representativeness, influence and sustainability.
Running a sustainable and high quality training service is not easy. It requires good business acumen but also good insight and skills in the business of adult learning: from assessment and design to delivery!
What’s more, EBMOs need to keep abreast of trends and changing market needs. They need to strengthen their own capacity to innovate and embrace new technologies for more quality, more engagement and better learning impact.
We very much hope that this interactive Guide will be a useful tool to stimulate and support EBMOs in the design and delivery of training services for their members.
—Arnout de Koster (DECP) & Jeanne Schmitt (ITCILO ACTEMP)
Open the Guide on Training Methodology for EBMOs and discover:
Based on real EBMOs training courses, it provides tips, examples, samples and links to go further
Inputs are synthetized and accompanied by practical examples to be directly adaptable to EBMOs setting up, running or expanding their training service
It covers all forms of learning from face-to-face workshops, to blended and online learning and gives tips on how to transform workshop materials to eLearning
The Guide on Training Methodology for EBMOs is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Programme for Employers’ Activities of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO ACTEMP) and the Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme (DECP).