MOOCs are freely accessible and available for anyone to enrol. They have the potential to enable high-level education on an enormous scale. MOOCs are affordable, flexible, free of charge and don’t require prior qualification. That’s what gives them the power to also reach participants often excluded from a traditional education system.
If everyone with an internet connection is able to enrol, even without prior knowledge or qualifications, they could have the huge potential to reach the millions of underserved learners in ILO partner countries.
In 2015, only 3 years after what the New York Times called ‘the year of the MOOC’, the Centre started working on its first massive open online course. The ‘Crowdfunding for Development’ online class taught how to build and launch a crowdfunding campaign to more than 800 participants all over the world.
The story didn’t end there. What was initially an internal knowledge hub became an external recognition of expertise granted to the Centre, creating MOOCs in partnership with other ILO offices and on behalf of partner organizations such as GIZ, the World Bank and the Humanitarian Leadership Academy.
Today we have co-created thirteen MOOCs and we have released a report aiming at sharing our experience.
In addition to a free, step-by-step guide and an online course on Open Online Education, the ITCILO offers tailor-made guidance for organizations and institutions interested in launching their own MOOCs.
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