Artificial intelligence for development

finger touching artificial screen
Photo © Adobe Stock/Putilov_denis

Artificial intelligence for development

Build project ideas for a sustainable future

The course is available in English

This tailor-made course is available upon request and may be customized for local, national, and international organizations. Contact us to learn more.

How can artificial intelligence support your future capacity development projects?

Our personal and professional lives are shaped by technology. But, the applications, stories, and debates around artificial intelligence are too optimistic about its promises and risks. Moving forward, there is a clear need to broaden the benefits of digital transformation by ensuring equal access for all. In response to these needs, the International Training Centre of the ILO’s Learning Innovation team leads and partners in the areas of the future of learning, the future of work, and technological change. As an international platform for dialogue and interactive learning, the Centre convenes thought leaders and learners in pursuit of these goals.

The AI Lab is not a traditional course. It’s not a MOOC, nor is it a standard online community of practice. It is a creative, human-centered experiment based on your objectives or on the vision that you would like to advance in your project, organization or institution.

Focus: Potential and positive impact

In times of disruption, leapfrogging with the right technologies can bring about transformational change. Since data will drive progress toward sustainable development in the future, we introduce participants to ideas like exponential change, neural networks, pattern recognition and machine learning.

Once participants learn the new vocabulary, they will start a learning project trajectory with three dimensions:

Vision and strategy development

  • What can AI do and how will it impact my organization?
  • What are the steps of developing an AI strategy?


  • What are the steps that we need to take to follow our overall vision?
  • What are the steps of filling in the AI Business Model Canva?

Portfolio of solutions

  • What are the steps of translating the vision into practice?
  • What are the shapes of an initial project idea or prototype?

This is not an AI solutions trajectory, but it does aim to raise awareness about a fast-changing landscape. The AI Lab is the beginning of a long term exploration of what kind of transformational journey you could start.

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”

– Yann LeCun

Methodology: A project-based approach

In a modular structure, the AI Lab provides the concepts and tools participants need to create a project idea.

Eight thematic webinars support knowledge-sharing and engagement with global experts on AI myths, AI anatomy, and the AI Business Model Canva.

Participants will also be able to talk and learn from one another, through informal online coffee breaks among groups of interest.


Phase 1 (1 month) - Introduction

  • AI vocabulary and the elements of AI, AI from A to Z
  • Demystify AI myths
  • Visualize the AI anatomy

Phase 2 (1 month) - Meet the experts

  • 8 thematic webinars linked to AI topics of choice
  • Informal online knowledge exchange coffee breaks in peer groups
  • Access to AI content curation archive

Phase 3 (1 month) - Vision and project development pitch

  • Project and concept development
  • Mentoring and coaching trajectory
  • Pitching, expert and peer feedback

Questions? We have the answers