Decent Jobs for Youth Academy

Academy on Youth Employment

Decent Jobs for Youth Academy

3–21 November 2025
The course is available in English, Français
Introduction to the course

The Decent Jobs for Youth Academy offers a comprehensive training package that integrates the core knowledge and skills for designing and implementing policies to promote decent jobs and social justice for young people. This year's edition will be delivered in a blended format: two weeks of online learning followed by a one-week face-to-face programme at the ITC-ILO campus in Turin, Italy. The online phase will provide an overview of key youth employment issues and trends through live sessions and selected materials. The face-to-face phase will provide participants with a unique opportunity to shape their own learning experience. During that week, in addition to attending plenary sessions focused on the latest knowledge on youth employment topics, participants will choose from several elective courses proposed in parallel. The elective courses will be dedicated to specific themes and will provide space for sharing experiences and engaging in dynamic learning activities in smaller groups.

Who attends this course?

The Academy is designed for: - Government officials from Ministries of Labour and other line ministries, including Ministries of Youth, Finance, and Planning; - Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations; - Youth active in policy development and implementation, social dialogue and generally the promotion of decent jobs for youth; - Staff of agencies responsible for labour market intermediation and skills development; - Staff from international and regional organizations as well as donor agencies and academic institutions working on youth employment issues; and ILO staff.

What will I learn?

Through plenary sessions and elective thematic tracks, the Academy will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • The youth employment challenge in a context of multiple crises
  • Youth, social dialogue and tripartism
  • Accelerating job creation for young people in wage and self-employment, through gender-responsive employment policies
  • Youth employment opportunities in the digitalgreen and care economies
  • Fostering systemic change across labour market institutions and supporting the transition of young people to decent work
  • Youth employability, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning
  • Extending social protection for youth 
  • Promoting the rights of young people
What will I be able to do?
  • Have a better understanding of tools to diagnose the employment challenges faced by young people;
  • Identify viable entry points for mainstreaming youth employment into gender-responsive employment policies and development frameworks;
  • Provide guidelines for the design and implementation of youth employment programmes;
  • Identify avenues to boost the participation of youth in social dialogue and tripartism as well as their voice, agency and representation;
  • Enhance knowledge on what works for youth employment in different contexts, spanning a range of demand-side and supply-side measures

The Academy offers a modular approach that combines plenary sessions and elective tracks. The plenary sessions will engage participants in discussing youth employment trends, current challenges, future of work issues and their policy implications. Keynote interventions will be followed by group exercises and marketplaces allowing country delegations and individual participants to share their experiences and good practice. Furthermore, participants will have the possibility to choose specific tracks among those on offer.

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