Using a step-by-step approach, this course aims to equip national and international stakeholders with the necessary competencies to measure skills mismatches and imbalances from both the demand and supply sides. The course will highlight the latest guidelines developed by the ILO with regard to measuring skills mismatches, while also emphasizing the SDG and the decent work indicators framework.
The demand for data on various forms of skills mismatches has risen in recent years, in line with the prioritization of countries to ensure that effective policy measures and tools are formulated to improve the quality and relevance of skills formation. Many have stressed the importance of making better use of qualification and occupational skills as a prerequisite for better employment outcomes and employability, as well as improved labour productivity. The concept of skills mismatch, however, is broad and ambiguous. t can relate to many forms of labour market friction, including vertical mismatch, skill gaps, skill shortages, qualification mismatch, field of study (horizontal) mismatch and skill obsolescence. This may lead to misinterpretation of results. The existence of estimates based on different measurement approaches also leads to confusion. Skills mismatch is a concern for policy-makers, employers, and workers alike. It is a recurring theme in vocational education and skills development, with many policy initiatives launched to address various forms of skills mismatches. For evidence-based skills policymaking statistics on various forms of skill mismatches are needed. Building on its long experience in delivering training on skills and labour market analysis, the International Training Centre of the ILO in full collaboration with the ILO Department of Statistics, and in close coordination with the ILO Skills branch, the European Training Foundation, and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training is proud to offer this three-week online training on Measuring and Analyzing Skills Mismatches.
- Labour Statisticians/officials from national statistical offices; Ministries of labour and related institutions (such as labour observatories); Other Ministries or Government institutions engaged in employment, skills development, skills matching and analysis or involved in the collection and analysis of labour market information; - Employment and development policy analysts, research and academic institutes, in addition to International organizations and Donors engaged in skills matching; - Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities or similar institutions; - Representatives of workers' and employers' organisations involved in sectoral, regional or national skills development plans.
Module 1
Overview of labour statistics, qualifications and skills mismatches
Module 2
Identifying and anticipating skills needs
Module 3
Measuring and analyzing skills mismatches