Transforming the workplace
Learn individually with one to one coaching sessions
Learn from experts and working professionals
Exchange viewpoints and experiences with classmates
Gender equality stands as a crucial issue in today's workplace landscape. Despite advances made by progressive governments and organizations, gender gaps and occupational segregation remain persistent issues. By taking this course, participants will gain valuable insights into including gender considerations holistically in change management strategies, addressing gender dynamics in the workplace, and fostering tangible, lasting change.
- Leaders and managers in the public and private sectors - Gender and HR specialists
This course has enabled me to address the gender dimensions of a fair working environment at the judiciary and to develop the gender equality policy for the judiciary.
The insight of the trainers and practical tools and methodologies resulting from their vast experience, as well as the input and share of experiences from the other worldwide participants, made this an excellent course.
This course empowers leaders, managers, gender and HR specialists with innovative strategies to advance gender equality through effective change management strategies.
Participants fuse change management and gender mainstreaming to effect change.
Go back to work energized and enthusiastic about creating effective gender equality strategies.
The Turin Centre is known for its alternative training methods and live-in learning experience.