The gender gap has remained unchanged for two decades (2005-2022), ILO 2023.
Estimates shed new light on the extent of gender disparities in labour markets, underlining the importance of improving women's overall participation in employment,
expanding access to employment in all occupations and addressing the glaring gaps in job quality faced by women and the most vulnerable groups.
Organizations can put in place policies and practices to support gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the long term.
This eLearning course involves interactive online readings, guidelines, practical activities and tools for gender responsive-budgeting and for costing gender equality plans within organizations.
It also comprises interactive methods, such as webinars, discussion forums and a final practical excise on costing an action plan for gender equality, diversity and inclusion to be presented by participants in a virtual classroom.
Participants are required to adapt content and tools to their context. The courses combine individual self-paced learning with collaborative activities such as virtual discussion groups to facilitate learning. An online tutor and experts guides participants through their learning experience, including facilitating collaborative work and providing feedback on assignments throughout the course.
he gender gap has remained unchanged for two decades (2005-2022), ILO 2023. Estimates shed new light on the extent of gender disparities in labour markets, underlining the importance of improving women's overall participation in employment, expanding access to employment in all occupations and addressing the glaring gaps in job quality faced by women and the most vulnerable groups. Organizations can put in place policies and practices to support gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the long term. This eLearning course involves interactive online readings, guidelines, practical activities and tools for gender responsive-budgeting and for costing gender equality plans within organizations. It also comprises interactive methods, such as webinars, discussion forums and a final practical excise on costing an action plan for gender equality, diversity and inclusion to be presented by participants in a virtual classroom. Participants are required to adapt content and tools to their context. The courses combine individual self-paced learning with collaborative activities such as virtual discussion groups to facilitate learning. An online tutor and experts guides participants through their learning experience, including facilitating collaborative work and providing feedback on assignments throughout the course.
The course is open to staff of private, social and public institutions involved in budget development wanting to ensure that gender equality, diversity and inclusion are taken into account. The course is also open to gender experts/advisers and individuals interested in mainstreaming the gender approach and working in the field of gender equality, diversity and inclusion; staff of regional and international development agencies; civil society representatives interested in performing advocacy work and raising awareness of gender issues; employers' and workers' representatives wishing to ensure equitable access and processes in their organizations.
Gender equality initiatives can range from low-cost or very cost-effective solutions, to services that require a larger financial investment by the employer. Even employers with limited means can offer measures, solutions and services to promote equality within organization.
The eLearning course aims to provide a common ground of understanding on how to implement a gender-responsive budgeting within organizations. It illustrates why gender-responsive budgeting matters for organizations -particularly in the rapid transformation of the world of work- and provides practical guidance and tools to cost gender equality measures (i.e. work-life integration measures and flexible work, gender, diversity and inclusion strategies, disability plans, gender-neutral job evaluation for pay equity, inclusive response to the pandemic, gender and diversity audits, etc.).
The online training combines theory and practice aiming to ensure that participants complete the course with valuable information for implementing gender-responsive budgeting within their organizations.
The lessons learnt during the pandemic concerning work-life integration, flexible working, teleworking and caregiving responsibilities need to be built into the post-pandemic recovery plans. It is important for organizations to know how to use this knowledge generated during the crisis.
The eLearning course is delivered through the ITCILO eCampus. Each online module will guide participants from theory to practice, building capacity and exploring key elements of gender-responsive budgeting to put into practice within organizations.
The online training programme includes:
The training programme is composed of four online modules of approximately 2 eLearning hours each. Each module is weekly carried out according to the following learning process:
At the end of the eLearning path of 30 hours, participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
A limited number of fellowships are available to qualified candidates coming from eligible countries.
As an Organization dedicated to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the ILO is taking a leading role in international efforts to foster gender equality. In line with this ILO focus, men are particularly encouraged to apply to ITCILO courses on gender.