Global Forum on the Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Current and future development - Fifth edition

Global Forum on the Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Current & future development
Photo © ILO

Global Forum on the Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Current and future development - Fifth edition

2–4 October 2024
The course is available in English
Introduction to the course

The Global Forum is a three-day learning event providing a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to analyse and discuss recent developments and future prospects for MLC, 2006 labour issues. More specifically, the Forum addresses key aspects of the implementation of the 2014, 2016 and 2018 amendments to the MLC, 2006 and their relevance in the aftermath of COVID-19. The event will provide a well-structured update on technical issues and an interactive platform for open discussion, facilitated by international experts prepared to introduce case studies and good practices.

Who attends this course?

Seafarers' representatives; competent and regulatory authorities; placement and recruitment agencies; ship-owners' and seafarers' organizations; ship operators; HR managers; representatives of ministries of labour and maritime authorities; trainers of maritime inspectors.

Questions? We have the answers