Promoting Decent Work in Supply Chains Strategic use of ILS and HR Instruments in Human Rights Due Diligence

Promoting Decent Work
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Promoting Decent Work in Supply Chains Strategic use of ILS and HR Instruments in Human Rights Due Diligence

The course is available in English

Online, 20 May – 14 June 2024 | English | Asia Pacific

Do international labour standards and human rights instruments matter in the complex and global nature of supply chains?

Responsible business conduct (RBC), with a strong element of human rights due diligence (HRDD) is gradually becoming a global norm in doing business. Trade unions are recognized stakeholders and social dialogue partners in the due diligence process.

This course will explore supply chains, decent work challenges and the role of trade unions. It aims to equip unions with knowledge and tools to promote responsible business conduct and participate in human rights due diligence processes effectively. The strategic use of international labour standards, human rights instruments, national labour legislation, and social dialogue will be emphasized.

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