Reporting on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

Distance Training in Reporting on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

Reporting on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

24 March–16 May 2025
The course is available in English
Introduction to the course

This course provides knowledge and skills for improving reporting on the application, in law and in practice, of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, by ratifying States.

Who attends this course?

- Government officials responsible for the production of reports on the application of the MLC, 2006 (usually from ministries of labour) and for its implementation (usually from ministries of transport or maritime affairs); - Representatives of employers' and workers' organizations involved in reporting on this unique and complex instrument may also benefit from the course.

What topics does this course cover?
  • ILO reporting background.
  • Overview of ILO maritime instruments.
  • Reports on ratified Conventions and comments of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.
  • Reporting on the MLC, 2006: implementing measures and principal documents, fundamental rights and principles, competent authority and consultations, scope of application, enforcement, statistical information, employment agreement, wages, hours of work and rest, leave, repatriation, compensation for ship's loss, manning levels, career and skill development, minimum age, recruitment and placement, accommodation and recreation, and social security.
What will I gain from the course?
  • Background knowledge of the ILO, its international labour standards system and the role and operation of reporting.
  • Understanding of the scope of application and content of the MLC, 2006.
  • Knowledge of how to use the NORMLEX databases and other resources relevant to reporting on the application of the MLC, 2006.
  • Capacity to participate in the preparation of the reports on the application of the MLC, 2006 owed by ratifying member States under the ILO Constitution.
How is the course organized?
  • Approximately 8 hours of work per week.
  • 24 substantive self-guided sessions to be completed each week, combined with live webinars and ecoaching.
  • The tutors follow your progress.
  • Knowledge assessment at the start and at the end of the training.
  • Unique assignments consisting in drafting pieces of the report on the application of the MLC, 2006 which are then commented in order to improve quality.
  • Course content relies on interactive materials, multiple-choice quizzes, a discussion forum and live webinars (individually, in group or in plenary).

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