The demand for analyzing labour market data has risen, in line with the prioritization of countries to better understand the functioning of the labour market and the impact of policies and programmes on outcomes, including unemployment and employment. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires governments and other stakeholders to monitor progress towards the defined goals and targets, including SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth. At the same time, new measures of the labour market are evolving through the adoption of statistical standards by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS). The 19th, 20th, and 21st ICLS resolutions on labour statistics are crucial for decent work related SDG indicators, particularly SDG 8 on promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, employment and decent work for all. The analysis of labour market data relies on the availability of data, which has expanded in recent years, and the use of appropriate methodologies to identify key factors and trends relevant to evidence-based policymaking. In this regard, analysts and statisticians depend on statistical software that provides a user-friendly approach to data management, description, graphics and analysis. STATA is such a tool, which is powerful but easy-to-use, and is utilized across the world for analysing labour market data. Building on its long experience in delivering training on labour market statistics, the International Training Centre of the ILO in full collaboration with the ILO Department of Statistics is proud to offer the blended training STATA for labour market analysis. The course will include two phases, an online phase between 9 June and 4 July to provide a basic understanding of STATA for LM analysis, and then a face-to-face phase which will take place in Turin between 7-11 July, 2025. This course qualifies for the Labour Statistics & Analysis Diploma.
The course targets: - Labour Statisticians from national statistical offices; Ministries of labour and related institutions (such as labour observatories); Other Ministries or Government institutions in charge of SDG statistical monitoring; - Employment and development policy analysts from National Statistical Offices, Research and Academic institutions, International organizations and Donor organizations; and - Officials responsible for managing the production and dissemination of labour market statistics, particularly for the SDG national reporting.
The main objective of the course is to provide participants with the necessary advanced skills to use the computer software STATA to analyze the labour market for evidence-based policymaking, including SDG and decent work indicators. The course is designed to enhance institutional capacities to identify, collect, analyze and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to the SDGs indicator framework. Moreover, the course will also emphasize the latest 20th ICLS resolutions concerning work statistics as an important pillar to measure progress towards the 2030 agenda, particularly Goal 8 on promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, employment and decent work for all. More specifically, the course aims to:
Using a step-by-step approach, this course provides practical skills and tips for analysing labour market data to construct and interpret key decent work and SDG indicators. The course is structured around six modules:
The course is constructed as follows:
Lectures by experts and practitioners
Practical exercises and group work which will involve preparing, describing and analyzing real labour force data using STATA
The course will emphasize a unique learning approach, which is structured around three main pillars:
Harnessing digital learning technology
Training methodology will combine
The course will be held as a face-to-face training from 7-11 July 2025 in Turin, Italy.
The course will be conducted in English.
The course is fee-paying. The total fees for the training are €2,720.
Every participant enrolled in the course will receive a free STATA license!