Understanding Fragility

Understanding fragility cover image
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Understanding Fragility

A Compass to Orient the World of Work

The course is available in English, Français, Español, Português, العربية

This online module is an innovative distance learning tool developed by the ITCILO in 2019. It provides an analytical and practical orientation to understand fragility from the perspective of employment and decent work.

Introduction to the course

This course is based on the publication Employment and Decent Work in Fragile Settings: A Compass to Orient the World of Work.

Going through the entire module should take you around 30 to 45 minutes from start to finish. You can stop and come back at any time.

Who attends this course?

Development practitioners working in fragile, conflict affected and emergency contexts

Key feature

i) understand fragility and use it as a lens through which to design interventions targeting employment and decent work;

(ii) explore the factors and triggers driving fragility in specific programming contexts, as well as on the possible range of employment and decent work interventions

(iii) analyse employment and decent work in fragile settings.

What will I learn?

I will learn:

  • how to do a context analysis where I am working (region or country)
  • assess the fragility factors and triggers that may impact on employment and decent work
  • interpret fragile settings and articulate programming responses accordingly
What will I be able to do?

I will be able to:

  • perform context analysis in regions or countries
  • assess the fragility factors and identify the triggers that impact employment and decent work in fragile context
  • propose programming responses to tackle fragility factors
How is the course organized?

The course is organized in 3 parts:

  • Theory to master key concepts
  • Follow a concrete example (analysis)
  • Practice the ‘fragility compass’ in your own working context
Why should I join?
  • Learn key concepts including fragility; conflict; decent work; triggers of fragility and how fragility influences or connects with decent work and employment.
  • Learn and apply a simple tool to assess the level of fragility and the fragility drivers of regions and  countries.
  • Explore programming responses to tackle fragility factors.

Questions? We have the answers