The ILO emphasizes the need for TVET systems to be accessible and responsive to the needs of a wide range of disadvantaged groups, including persons with disabilities, people living in rural areas, migrant workers, and individuals working in the informal sector. This course is designed for participants to learn about the development of inclusive vocational training systems and programmes that can overcome a range of existing barriers for disadvantaged groups and individuals - specifically those related to gender equality. The gender gaps in TVET have significant and multifaceted consequences that extend to broader socio-economic impacts. These disparities undermine women's access to and participation in the labour market, perpetuate gender biases in occupational choices and contribute to a segmented labour market where women are often relegated to lower-paid, lower-status jobs. Moreover, women's underrepresentation in STEM fields and technical vocations widens the disparity in employment opportunities between women and men, limiting women's participation in high-growth and technology-driven sectors of the economy. The societal and cultural norms that underpin these gender gaps further entrench inequalities, making it challenging for women to break free from traditional roles and expectations which contribute to a cycle of disadvantage, where women are less likely to access education and training opportunities, especially in rural, informal, and traditional economies, due to a combination of logistical, societal, and financial barriers. The consequences of gender gaps in TVET extend to the broader economy and society. The lack of gender diversity undermines the potential for creative solutions and technological advancements, hindering economic development and competitiveness on a global scale. The course "Skills Development for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion" uniquely incorporates gender-responsive methodologies for TVET, developed through a collaborative effort by the ILO and VVOB (the Belgian Education for Development agency) [GRP4TVET]. This methodology aims to systematically integrate gender considerations into all aspects of TVET programs and policies.
- Policy-makers and technical advisors of ministries of employment/labour and education/gender - Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities and similar institutions - Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations involved in skills development - Representatives of women's organizations - Experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning and in CSOs and NGOs working with vulnerable groups - Specialized institutions from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors that are working on gender issues, informality and the integration of persons with disabilities. - Gender champions and/or experts from the private or public sector
Este curso ofrece una orientación práctica para evaluar y crear sistemas de EFTP y de
desarrollo de competencias inclusivos, dirigidos a una serie de grupos e individuos, como las
mujeres, las personas con discapacidad, los habitantes de zonas rurales, los trabajadores
migrantes y las personas que trabajan en el sector informal. Al final del programa online, los
participantes habrán:
El curso apoya un enfoque holístico del proceso de formación e inclusión en el mercado
laboral, desde la accesibilidad a la formación hasta la participación, la graduación y la
transición laboral para todos, centrándose en algunos temas específicos clave:
Este curso online se ha diseñado con un enfoque centrado en el participante para involucrar
mejor a los participantes y mantenerlos motivados. El curso es muy interactivo y atractivo. Se
utilizan diferentes métodos para que el contenido sea interesante, relevante y entretenido. El
curso incluye una herramienta de evaluación digital que ayuda a los participantes a autoevaluar
el grado actual de inclusión de un sistema de EFTP y de desarrollo de competencias.
Una vez que el participante ha completado cada módulo y ha enviado la tarea/quiz a través
de la plataforma del curso, un tutor le proporcionará comentarios y el participante tendrá
acceso al siguiente módulo.Los participantes que completen con éxito las tareas requeridas
(una por cada módulo) recibirán un Certificado de Aprovechamiento.