E-learning on Fundamental Labour Rights Enforcement and Compliance

E-learning on Fundamental Labour Rights Enforcement and Compliance
Photo © Adobe Stock/showcake

E-learning on Fundamental Labour Rights Enforcement and Compliance

8–26 Septiembre 2025
El curso está disponible en English
Presentación del curso

This course will link Fundamental Rights at work to practical tools that promote and enable enforcement and compliance. It will build the capacity of participants to recognize and act upon potential violations of fundamental principles and rights at work through practical guidelines introducing tools on how to plan, prepare and conduct interventions at workplace level to effectively supervise compliance with legislation covering the five categories of rights at work. The course will highlight recent developments around legislation and policy approaches and will encourage knowledge sharing through exchanges on relevant national experiences on the application and promotion of international labour standards.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

The course is intended for but not limited to labour inspectorate staff; labour inspectors at general, specialized and management levels; labour administration staff; national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, human rights advocates and other actors supporting the promotion and realization of fundamental principles and rights at work through enforcement and compliance.

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