E-learning on sustaining the elimination of child labour

E-learning on sustaining the elimination of child labour
Photo © Adobe Stock/Riccardo Niels Mayer

E-learning on sustaining the elimination of child labour

3–23 Junio 2024
El curso está disponible en English
Presentación del curso

Substantial progress towards the elimination of child labour has been achieved in recent years, largely because of intense advocacy and national mobilization backed by legislative and practical action. Between 2000 and 2016, there was a 38 per cent decrease in child labour globally, however progress slowed significantly between 2012 and 2016. By 2021, the number of children had risen to 160 million children according to ILO estimates, the first increase for two decades. 2021 marked International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour (IYCL). The IYCL was an opportunity to reinvigorate efforts to achieve the global target to end child labour by 2025, agreed as the Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7. Progress towards the achievement of this important goal was discussed at the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban (South Africa) from 15 - 20 May, 2022. This important conference provided an opportunity to assess progress made by governments, social partners and others to take new measures to eliminate child labour during the 4th Global Conference in Argentina, as well assess pledges made during the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, and to make new commitments. A central goal of the Global Conference was to facilitate new partnerships and enhance existing ones, leveraging the distinct roles and mandates of ILO constituents, enterprises, UN agencies and social partners. Alliance 8.7 is an inclusive global partnership committed to achieving target 8.7 by accelerating action, sharing knowledge, driving innovation and mobilizing resources. Established in 2016, it has more than 200 partners and 26 pathfinder countries, which have committed to go further, faster to achieve SDG target 8.7.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

This E-learning course is aimed at representatives of international and regional organizations, the private sector, civil society organizations, and ILO constituents. Representatives of Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder Countries or ILO Members States willing to become a pathfinder country are especially welcome.

This course

The purpose of this E-learning course is to enhance the understanding of participants regarding the sustained eradication of child labour.

As a result of this course participants will have:

  • Enhanced their understanding of child labour, and the means of eradicating it.
  • Become more familiar with the key policy responses, global partnership platforms as well as other intervention models that have proved effective in eliminating child labour.
  • Understood how organizations, governments and other actors can accelerate results and be more effective in reducing child labour through partnerships.
  • Consider actions they can undertake alone or in collaboration with other actors.
What topics are covered by this course?

Some of the topics that will be covered by this E-learning course:

  • Week 1: What is child labour? How is it defined in international conventions, national law and in practice? The latest global estimates on child labour, focus sectors and regions.
  • Week 2: How to tackle child labour: what experience has demonstrated effective, examples of intervention models to address child labour through education and social protection; tackling child labour in agriculture.
  • Week 3: What can you/your organization do about child labour working alone or in cooperation or partnership with other actors; what are some example of partnership frameworks to accelerate and sustain efforts in view of the elimination

of child labour.

Why should I join?
  • Direct engagement with global experts with decades of international experience child labour.
  • Opportunities to interact online and network with other actors to share learning and best practices on how to tackle child labour.
  • Gain access to online resources and good practices on child labour.
How will the course be delivered ?

The course consists of a number of online modules to be offered through the ITCILO eCampus online from 19 February to 08 March 2024 for an estimated total of twenty (20) learning hours.

The course is divided into different phases:

  • Flexible self-guided online learning time: asynchronous learning taking place on the ITCILO eCampus platform and composed of compulsory and suggested readings, engaging video presentations by experts, self-guided modules and a weekly knowledge check.
  • Real time’ learning: Live masterclass (2 per week) with experts working on child labour, blended with individual exercises, online technical forums on the eCampus and a final webinar.
  • End of course assignment: one for each week, three individual assignment are foreseen to apply the content of the course to the context in which each participant will consider follow-up action on child labour.

Participants who successfully complete all of the knowledge assessments and the final assignment will receive a Certificate of Participation.

How to apply?

Find the application form at https://oarf2.itcilo.org/DST/A9717085/en and apply before 20 May 2024



How much does the course cost?

The tuition fee of the course is 925 euros. Partial scholarships are available for eligible candidates.

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