Empleos verdes para el desarrollo sostenible: conceptos y prácticas

Green jobs for sustainable development: Concepts and practices

Empleos verdes para el desarrollo sostenible: conceptos y prácticas

19 Abril–21 Mayo 2021
El curso está disponible en English, Español
Key features
High-level resources

Learn from ILO specialists, ITCILO trainers, and international experts

Online platform

Start learning early and keep the conversation flowing!

Knowledge sharing

Learning and exchange of knowledge, experiences and innovative solutions

Presentación del curso

Este curso proporciona una oportunidad de aprendizaje a distancia interactivo que permite la adquisición de conocimientos sobre conceptos clave en materia de empleos verdes y prácticas emergentes. A través de una revisión de herramientas, literatura seleccionada y buenas prácticas, se les presenta a los participantes las implicaciones de la transición del mercado laboral hacia economías más sostenibles y ecológicas. El plan de estudios está estructurado para promover el diseño y la implementación de políticas, programas y proyectos de empleos verdes.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

Este curso se dirige a profesionales interesados en el concepto de empleos verdes y su vinculación con el programa sobre trabajo decente de la OIT y el marco de desarrollo sostenible. Se tendrá en consideración una distribución equilibrada de ambos sexos en el curso.

What topics does this course cover?
  • Why are green jobs key to sustainable development?
  • What are green and decent jobs?
  • Where can green jobs be found and/or created?
  • How can green jobs be promoted and by whom?
What will I learn?
  • Understand the interlinkages between environment, economy and society
  • Recognize the role of governments and social partners in the promotion of policy coherence for the transition to greener and more sustainable economies
  • Review best practices and case studies that illustrate the variety of approaches to fully exploit the business growth and job creation potential of the green economy
What will I be able to do?

Participants develop solutions to complex problems, creating more sustainable societies.

  • Use international guidelines to help countries manage the transition towards low-carbon economies
  • Apply concrete strategies to promote green and decent work opportunities in the public and private sectors
  • Network with green jobs experts and prominent actors in the field
Why should I join?

The Turin Centre is known for its innovative learning experiences and unconventional methodologies.

  • Learning materials are accessible online during and after the course
  • Experts from the ILO and the ITCILO design course materials and interact with participants
  • Participants are encouraged to share their country-specific experiences and approaches to identify and promote green jobs
  • Receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course

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