Sustainable development


Future Leaders in the World of Work exploring the Social Dimension of Sustainable Development

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What is INTEGRŌ?

INTEGRŌ is the global competence development facility for future leaders in the world of work of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO) – a portfolio of training activities for the next generation of mission-driven leaders in international organization (IO), the social and solidarity economy, and the private sector seeking to lead for sustainability. 

Grounded in the mandate, vision, and values of the ILO, INTEGRŌ brings together young leaders from the Global South to explore the social dimension of sustainable development and to jointly devise systemic and integrated approaches that promote social justice. It also functions as a training ground for future leaders in the world of work to acquire and hone core competencies for lasting, sustainable impact.   

Highlighting the ILO’s contributions to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, INTEGRŌ motivates future leaders in the world of work to leverage synergies that connect Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) to all of the other Goals for the benefit of their communities of reference. 

How does it work?

INTEGRŌ offers a wide range of global competence training opportunities which, while being stand-alone, work in synergy with one another for the formulation of a dynamic, integrated curriculum. 

Taken collectively, these activities support: 

  • Students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees accessing global careers for sustainable impact;
  • Recent graduates and young professionals seeking to acquire and hone core competencies to sustain, accelerate, or transform their global career trajectory;
  • Institutional partners diversifying their competence training portfolios for the benefit of students and faculty members. 
Key features
Innovative Methodologies

Leveraging on the ITCILO’s decade-long experience in delivering training featuring the latest available technologies and learning methodologies, INTEGRŌ offers a range of activities that innovate the classroom from the inside-out. 


The INTEGRŌ curriculum brings together academics, international development practitioners, social entrepreneurs, and leadership consultants for the delivery of high-quality and effective training in support of youth and their global aspirations.

Integrated Curriculum

Training activities listed as part of INTEGRŌ are designed as stand-alone courses. Together, these form a coherent and integrated learning curriculum grounded in global competency development for youth. 

Global Career Coaching

Cutting across all INTEGRŌ activities is a core training component on transferable skills for global careers, bringing youth closer to the work of IOs. Participants join a community of aspiring young professionals seeking to lead for sustainable impact. 

What does it offer?

Leveraging on ITCILO expertise for the delivery of a diversified training offer inclusive of online learning, online learning at scale with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), face-to-face (F2F) training, and blended learning (both F2F and online) opportunities, the INTEGRŌ curriculum is a selection of open and tailor-made courses.

  • Open Courses: training activities with open registration, to which interested students can sign up individually. 
  • Tailor-made Courses: training activities jointly developed, coordinated and implemented with institutional partners. 
Open Courses

Where mission-driven leaders meet.

At the core of the INTEGRŌ curriculum is a portfolio of yearly learning journeys supporting undergraduate, and graduate students, and young professionals with shaping their global competence skillset for sustainable impact. With a selection of activities offered online and at the ITCILO Turin Campus, group and individual applicants can find training opportunities most suited to their needs as future leaders in international organizations, the social and solidarity economy, and the private sector. 

Tailor-made courses 

Some learning journeys call for tailor-made solutions.

Whether online, face-to-face, hybrid, or blended. Training institutions seeking to diversify their global competence training portfolios for undergraduate, graduate students, recent graduates, and trainers find the starting point for collaboration and co-design of instructional experiences in INTEGRŌ Tailor Made. Working closely with institutional partners, the INTEGRŌ Team designs courses to equip participants with the conceptual and practical tools to act in support of human-centered development, thereby enhancing sustainable development dividends for all.