Showcasing the future of international development
Discover groundbreaking research and innovative ideas from the students at the Turin School of Development. Our publications include a diverse range of theses that explore critical issues and propose solutions for a more sustainable and equitable world. Dive into the work of our students and gain insights into the future of international development
The working papers of the Turin School of Development are part of a wider effort by the International Training Centre of the ILO to improve the development policy dialogue through wide dissemination of the research findings of its staff, Master students, partner institutions, and external collaborators. Papers are selected for publication on the basis of originality, technical soundness, and policy relevance.
WP No. 12, The institutions of work for a world in transition by Tiziano Treu
WP No. 11, Négociation collective et conventions collectives en Afrique Collective bargaining and collective agreements in Africa by Tavonga Jordan Zvobgo
WP No. 10, Effectifs et profil des travailleurs pauvres au Chili Size and profile of the working poor in Chile by Fidel Bennett Ramos
WP No. 9, Determinants of child and adolescent labour in Chile by Francesca Bonomelli Carrasco
WP No. 8, Les différences de genre dans la répartition du temps: éléments du Rwanda Gender differences in time allocation: Evidence from Rwanda by Olivier Habimana
WP No. 7, Lettres d’intention dans les transactions commerciales modernes: regarder le passé pour améliorer l'avenir Letters of intent in modern commercial transactions: Looking at the past to improve the future by Elena Tironi
WP No. 6, Le consentement d'un État à l'arbitrage international d'investissement: éclairage sur le cas vénézuélien The consent of a state to international investment arbitration: Insights on the Venezuelan case by Viviana Figoli Padrón
WP No. 5, Analyse comparative des sources de croissance en Tanzanie, en Ouganda et au Kenya: une approche de comptabilité de la croissance Comparative analysis of sources of growth in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya: A growth accounting approach by Mafutah D. Bunini
WP No. 4, Les travailleurs italiens les mieux payés: disparités de genre dans les carrières et les revenus Italian top paid workers: Gender disparities in careers and earnings by Elena Villar
WP No. 3, Analyse du rendement de l'éducation sur le marché du travail vietnamien: données de l'enquête nationale sur les forces de travail 2012 An analysis of labour market returns to education in Vietnam: Evidence from the National Labour Force Survey 2012 by Dung Tien Nguyen
WP No. 2, L'impact des institutions du marché du travail sur les investissements directs étrangers: Témoignages d'Amérique du Sud The impact of labour market institutions on foreign direct investment: Evidence from South America by Agustín Velásquez
Prof. Tiziano Treu
Academic Day 2023