Employment Academy

Academy on Employment: Accelerating job creation for the new generation
Photo © Adobe Stock/Ipopba

Employment Academy


17–28 June 2024
The course is available in English, Français
Introduction to the course

Following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and the cost of living crisis, the situation in the world of work continues to be characterized by uncertainty and complexity. At the same time, there are considerable disparities between advanced and developing economies, along with marked differences between certain groups, such as youth and women. Labour markets in high-income countries recovered strongly over 2022-23, reflecting larger stimulus packages and targeted interventions that kept workers in jobs and supported incomes. Policymakers in developing countries have turned to similar macroeconomic and employment policy interventions but with a more limited toolkit, resulting in incomplete job recoveries. Many low-income countries are now debt distressed, leaving them with little fiscal space to promote the creation of decent and productive employment. Beyond dealing with shocks and crises, countries around the world continue to grapple with longer-term challenges, such as demographic change and informality, while facing profound changes through, most notably, the rapid acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the existential challenge of combating and responding to climate change. Both digitalization and climate change have potentially both positive and negative effects on the labour market. For example, AI is likely to lead to the destruction of some jobs (and tasks), while creating new opportunities, as already witnessed in the digital economy. The transition to net zero carbon emissions will require further transitions out of polluting industries (leading to job losses) into new industries, which will generate new opportunities. Based on decades of experience in this area, ILO understands how employment policies can respond to these multifaceted challenges through job creation, skilling and intermediation in the labour market. But, in such a challenging environment, novel approaches are needed to support the formulation and implementation of these public policies, backed by new diagnostics and firmly embedded in social dialogue. In this context, the 2024 Academy on Employment is a fundamental part of ILO's efforts to promote innovation and stronger implementation of employment policies, responding to the demands from constituents to promote a better future of work and social justice for all. The Academy is jointly organized by the Employment Policy Department of the ILO and the Employment Policy and Analysis Programme of the International Training Centre of the ILO. The Academy offers a comprehensive training package that provides the core knowledge and skills on employment promotion while tackling the topic from different angles considering the emerging challenges, such as digitalization and climate transitions. Following the last edition of the Academy in 2019, this experience will provide a unique opportunity for participants, through an exciting, tailored learning journey, to exchange knowledge and experience in person with employment specialists, experts and practitioners from across the globe. The Academy mainstreams gender equality throughout the content and encourages the equal participation of women and men.

Who attends this course?

The Academy is designed for: - Policy makers, policy advisors, planners, technical officials and other technical experts from relevant institutions; - Government officials from Ministries of Labour and other line ministries, including Ministries of Economy, Finance, Planning and Central banks; - Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations; - Staff from international and regional organizations as well as donor agencies and academic institutions working on employment issues; and ILO staff. The participation of full tripartite country delegations is encouraged (government, workers and employers). A gender-balanced participation is sought.

What will you learn?

The Academy seeks to strengthen participants’ knowledge and capacities to identify and co-create innovative solutions for decent employment promotion and social justice. More specifically, the Academy aims to:

  • Upgrade your understanding of employment policy approaches and how to adapt interventions to respond to the changing world of work;
  • Help you identify and debate new emerging challenges such as AI, climate change, transition to formality and their impact on labour markets;
  • Familiarize you with different diagnostic approaches to better understand the link between employment challenges and other issues;
  • Provide you with guidelines for the design and implementation of employment policies;
  • Offer you a better understanding of the intergenerational concerns and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the labour market;
  • Enhance your knowledge on gender responsive policy frameworks;
  • Help you identify avenues to boost social dialogue and tripartism to achieve better policy outcomes.


The Academy is learner-centred and highly participatory. It will be facilitated by a pool of ILO and ITCILO officials and other learning experts. Different learning techniques will be applied in order to facilitate collaborative building of knowledge and experience sharing. Time will be dedicated to the presentation of national experiences and group work. The Academy will also offer technology-enhanced activities and a learning platform within the ITCILO eCampus.

The Academy will be a bilingual event held in English and French, with interpretation services provided during the entire programme. Kindly note that it is important to be proficient in one of these languages to be able to actively and successfully participate in the Academy.

Join us in this this global learning and knowledge sharing experience that will provide you with a unique opportunity to learn, share and collaborate for a better future!

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