Drawing on the guidance from existing International Labour Standards (ILS) the course aims at providing knowledge and tools to analyse the the context of agricultural and constructions work, with a focus on working and living conditions of seasonal workers particularly vulnerable to illegal recruitment and undeclared work, to prevent the exploitation and unlawful recruitment of labour in the two sectors and to increase cooperation between national enforcement authorities, social partners, and NGOs to combat undeclared work and the exploitation of seasonal workers.
Representatives of Governments (Ministry of Labour, Social Policies and Social Security), of Social Partners, Labour Inspectors, Judges, Lawyers and NGOs.
The three-day knowledge-sharing event offers a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges brought about by labour exploitation in the Agriculture and Construction sectors and to analyse the priority areas for which existing policy instruments need to be revised. Focus will be on International Labour Standards (ILS), their relevance for adequate national regulatory and policy frameworks, and enforcement mechanisms. In addition, this event provides a comprehensive overview of existing legal frameworks to protect workers and mitigate their vulnerability. Within this framework, policy options and good practices to facilitate and incentivize responsible business conduct will be also discussed.