Measuring and analysing labour migration

E-Learning Course on Measuring and Analysing Labour Migration

Measuring and analysing labour migration

3 November–12 December 2025
The course is available in English
Introduction to the course

Improving the knowledge base in the area of labour statistics, particularly labour migration statistics, will contribute to a better understanding of the underlying causes of poverty and social exclusion. Accurate, robust and timely data, collected in accordance with international standards, is therefore necessary for devising effective labour migration policies, which are essential for improving the welfare of international migrant workers and addressing the challenges related to international labour migration, globally and at the national level. Finally, in order to assess the coherence of employment and labour-migration policies, and identify where current and potential challenges remain, there is a need to collect and analyze appropriate quantitative and qualitative information in a systematic way. The International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in partnership with the ILO Department of Statistics and the Labour Migration Branch of the International Labour Organization, is therefore proud to present the second edition of its E-Learning Course on Measuring and Analyzing Labour Migration. The aim of the course is "to equip national and international stakeholders with the necessary capacities to better measure and analyze international labour migration and produce timely, high-quality, updated international labour migration statistics, to report on the critical indicators of labour migration statistics based on the implementation of international statistical standards and guidelines for evidence-based policy-making.

Who attends this course?

- National statistical offices (NSOs) - Ministries of labour and related Institutions (such as labour observatories) - Ministries of manpower and migration; ministries responsible for nationals living abroad - Ministries of foreign and home affairs - Governmental agencies responsible for labour-market data analysis and national SDG reporting - Governmental agencies responsible for labour migration, and analysis of migrant workers - Research and academic institutions - International organizations - Regional economic communities (RECs) - Development agencies - Non-governmental organizations


Globalization, demographic shifts, conflicts, income inequalities and climate change will encourage ever more people to cross borders in search of employment and security. Labour migration affects most countries in the world, and migrant workers contribute greatly to development, both in countries of origin and countries of destination. Yet, the migration process entails complex challenges in terms of fair and effective governance, migrant workers’ protection, migration and sustainable development linkages and international cooperation.

The need to improve the knowledge base in the area of labour statistics, particular labour migration statistics will contribute to a better understanding of the underlying causes of poverty and social exclusion. In this context, various countries have put in their priorities the development of evidence-based policies as part their reporting on progress on different Agenda 2063/SDGs target; more specifically to get information on decent work deficits among the residents’ population as well as migrants.  Hence, accurate, robust and timely data collected in line with the international standards, are necessary to build effective labour migration policies, essential to improve the welfare of international migrant workers and address the challenges related to international labour migration, globally and at the national level. Finally, in order to assess the level of policy coherence among employment and labour migration policies and identify where current and potential challenges remain, there is a need to collect and analyse, in a systematic way and to the extent possible, appropriate quantitative and qualitative information.

In this regard, the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) in partnership with the ILO Department of Statistics and with the Labour Migration Branch of the International Labour Organization are proud to present the course E-Learning on Measuring and Analysing Labour Migration


The course will focus on:

  • ILO labour migration statistics concepts and definitions;
  • ICLS Guidelines concerning statistics of international labour migration;
  • Sampling of international migrant populations: Methodological approaches and country examples;
  • ILO Global and regional estimates on international migrant workers;
  • Measuring demand for foreign labour;
  • Collecting data on international labour migration statistics: ILO labor migration database;
  • Administrative sources for international labour migration statistics;
  • Regional Statistical Observatory;
  • Measurement of recruitment costs (SDG 1.7.1);
  • Assessment and measurement of the level of policy coherence.
What will I learn?

The main objective of the course is to “to equip national and international stakeholders with the necessary capacities to better measure and analyse international labour migration and produce timely, high-quality, updated international labour migration statistics, to report on the critical indicators of labour migration statistics based on the implementation of international statistical standards and guidelines for evidence-based policy-making.”

Upon completion of the course, participants will have:

  • Enhanced understanding about the basic definitions, terminologies, and resolutions of labour statistics;
  • Acquired a better understanding of labour statistics and indicators aligned to the ICLS Guidelines concerning statistics of international labour migration, as well as the approved SDG indicator 10.7.1 measuring the recruitment costs impacting on migrant workers;
  • Analysed different methods and tools related to quantitative and qualitative methods needed to produce regular, accurately, and timely reports concerning labour statistics that include the Labour migration module (ILMS questionnaire);
  • Attained a comprehensive understanding of the latest international standards and practices in official statistics for better coordinated data collection related labour migration statistics;
  • Enriched understanding of the necessary institutional mechanisms, policy frameworks, and coordination instruments for better production and dissemination of migration labour statistics for evidence-based policymaking.
Why should I join?

The course consists of a number of online modules offered through the ITCILO eCampus online platform to be completed over a period of six weeks for an estimated total of 60 learning hours. The course will emphasize a unique learning approach, which is structured around three main pillars:

  • Harnessing digital learning technology – Interactive online platform
    • Online Real-time feedback and support
    • Online forum discussions and interaction
  • Training methodology will combine
    • Expert presentations
    • Online Group discussions and exercises
    • Online Group work
  • Knowledge Assessment
    • Weekly knowledge assessments
    • Individual and group assignment applying to the participants’ context
    • Participants who successfully complete all assessments and the final assignment will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

This course qualifies for the ITCILO Diploma for Labour Migration Experts and Practitioners. Take the Academy on Labour Migration, three courses out of all eligible courses within a five year period, and complete a capstone project to become part of a global cadre of practitioners and experts with a recognised set of skills in labour migration policy.


The cost of participation is payable in advance by the participant or his or her sponsoring organization.

How to apply?

Interested candidates should register on-line clicking on the “APPLY NOW” button at the top-right of the page.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Proven work experience in relevant field;
  • Submission of a letter of sponsorship to cover the total course fees. 
Prove your skills with a Diploma

This course is part of one Diploma programme:

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