Working and living conditions of seafarers have always been of special concern to the International Labour Organization (ILO). In February 2006 the Maritime Labour Convention, (MLC, 2006) was adopted by government, employer and worker representatives at a special ILO International Labour Conference to provide international standards for the world's first global industry. Widely known as the "seafarers' bill of rights" it is unique in its effect on both seafarers and quality ship owners. This comprehensive Convention sets out in one place seafarers' rights to decent conditions of work on almost every aspect of their working and living conditions including, among others, minimum age, employment agreements, hours of work or rest, payment of wages, paid annual leave, repatriation at the end of contract, onboard medical care, seafarers' complaint handling and so on. It was designed to be applicable at global level, easy to understand, updatable and enforced. The MLC, 2006 as amended is the "fourth pillar" of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, complementing the key Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). It also contains important compliance and enforcement components based on flag State inspection and for port State control. In particular, the role of shipowners and seafarers in the enforcement process is very important. Since its entry into force in 2013, the MLC, 2006 as amended, can by all be considered a success. As of 2024, n. 105 member states have ratified the Convention, covering 96,6 percent of the tonnage shipped. Despite the high level of ratification challenges remain in the concrete application of the rights and obligations provided for the Convention. In this context, the maritime labour inspectors play and important role in the respect of the MLC, 2006 application. The proper application of labour legislation depends on an effective labour inspectorate. Labour inspectors examine how national labour standards are applied in the workplace and advise employers and workers on how to improve the application of national law in such areas as working time, wages, occupational safety and health, and child labour. In addition, labour inspectors bring to the notice of national authorities gaps and defects in national law. They play an important role in ensuring that labour law is applied equally to all employers and workers.
Labour inspectors with experience of maritime inspection (maritime labour inspectors),trainers of maritime inspectors, surveyors from classification societies that carry out maritime labour inspections, representatives of seafarers' and shipowners' organizations.
The blended course aims to share information and good practices in the implementation of MLC 2006 as amended, in order to:
At the end of the blended course, participants should be able to:
The blended training course will be structured as follows:
Participants will have access to:
The course is offered in English. A good command of the working language is required.
Throughout the programme, active learning methods will allow the participants to step back from their daily professional life and reflect on recent case studies.
Experts from the International Labour Office and trainers from the ITCILO.