Management of Vocational Training Centres

Management of Vocational Training Centres

Management of Vocational Training Centres

7 juillet–1 août 2025
Le cours est disponible en English
Présentation du cours

The course offers a systemic management approach and examines practical concepts and skills required to prepare vocational training centres for the challenges of the future of work. This course is intended to facilitate the development of a holistic understanding of the management of vocational training centres. This training course is part of the ITCILO's portfolio on Skills Development, which aims, across the world, to build the necessary capacities to support the implementation of TVET programmes and skills development.

Groupes cibles

- Directors and managers of vocational training centres; - Political decision makers and technical advisors of Ministries working in the field of managing vocational training centres; - Members of sectoral management teams, national TVET authorities or of similar institutions; - Representatives of workers and employers' organizations involved in providing vocational training services; - Experts and technical staff at CSOs, NGOs and other civil society stakeholders working in the field of skills development and TVET.

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