Career Development

Career Development

Career Development

17–28 novembre 2025
Le cours est disponible en English
Présentation du cours

TVET is positioning itself as a valid solution to the traditional workforce shortage issue as well as to the rapid changes in the labor market. However, in many countries, it is still considered a second choice, and the lack of proper guidance often exacerbates the situation. This course aims to provide insights into national frameworks for career guidance, with a focus on TVET systems.

Groupes cibles

Professionals active in the definition and implementation of public policies for skills development systems: - Employees of ministries of TVET, employment, finance or other "training" ministries - Representatives of employers' and workers' organizations - Members of civil society organizations - Representatives of independent institutions (observatories, agencies, funds, etc.) - Managers of TVET systems, trainers and guidance counsellors - Staff of international cooperation institutions and agencies

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