Capacity building and knowledge sharing for implementing the commitments and becoming a pathfinder country of the Alliance 8.7

Capacity building and knowledge sharing for implementing the commitments and becoming a pathfinder country of the Alliance 8.7
Photo © Freepik

Capacity building and knowledge sharing for implementing the commitments and becoming a pathfinder country of the Alliance 8.7

14–25 Ottobre 2024
Il corso è disponibile in English, Español
Presentazione del corso

Pathfinder countries accelerate efforts and try new approaches to achieve the targets set by the SDG 8.7 (to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms). Pathfinder countries commit to develop, adopt and put into practice improved legislation, national action plans or policies on child labour, forced labour, modern slavery and/or human trafficking and to ratify, or actively work towards the ratification or implementation of, applicable international human rights standards, including international labour standards. This course will provide a sharing knowledge and good practices space, based on a South-South Cooperation approach, providing tools to pathfinder countries and technical training based on ILO core conventions.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

The course is aimed at Alliance 8.7 coordinators as well as ILO tripartite constituents from the Global South and other stakeholders.

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