Learning how to measure and boost productivity
Economists argue that productivity growth is the main driver of economic growth, development and increases in living standards; this is why economists suggest that productivity growth should be at the centre of covid-19 recovery strategies. But productivity is somehow a difficult concept which appears every day in newspapers and policy papers from all over the world, but it is not easy to define and to measure. The objective of the course is exactly to help you in better understating the concept of productivity.
What is productivity?
How can you measure productivity?
Why improving productivity is essential to compete in the market?
And how to share productivity gains?
The course aims to give answers to these and other questions. It is an introductory approach to the theory surrounding productivity and how this could be applied in practice.
This tailor-made course is available upon request and may be customized for local, national, and international organizations. Contact us to learn more.
The course does not require advance knowledge on maths and stats.
The course is open to ILO colleagues, advisors and EBMOs representatives involved in wage policies and collective bargaining, macroeconomic policies analysis and enterprise development. It might also be an eye-opener to anyone who wants to know how productivity is measured and understand productivity statistics.
The 60-hour tutor-based distance learning will cover:
Better understand the productivity concepts and analyse productivity statistics
Learn how to measure productivity at the national, sectoral, enterprise and production unit level
Analyse the links between wages and productivity
Use productivity variables and its proxies in wage negotiations at national (minimum wage) and sectoral level and enterprise level (collective bargaining)
Advise companies and unions on productivity agreements and variable pay systems based on workers productivity
Influence policy-makers and public institutions for the development of sound national and sectoral productivity policies
Assess the capacity of business development service providers to offer services on productivity measurement and enhancements for company-members
Collect data and produce relevant economic information
Get access to a unique mix of theory and applied economics principles which are essential for your work
Benefit from the Turin Centre innovative learning methods, including case studies, active learning and online platform
Expand your network and get in touch with professionals from all around the world
Get the official ITCILO certification
Each week, participants will have to attend a 45-minute webinar, complete e-learning modules, read selected papers and manuals extracts, submit assignments and exchange in the forum.