Global Workers’ Academy on Addressing Transitions: Trade Union Responses and Strategies

Global workers' Acadey
Photo © Adobe Stock/YiuCheung

Global Workers’ Academy on Addressing Transitions: Trade Union Responses and Strategies

Il corso è disponibile in English, Français, Español, العربية, pусский

26 February to 22 March 2024 (4 weeks, Online)

6 – 10 May 2024 (1 week, Face-to-face, ITCILO, Turin)

The world of work is undergoing rapid transformation, heightened by concurrent transitions. Workers and trade unions are particularly concerned with four key transitions: digital, artificial intelligence, green, and informal to formal economy, which are fundamentally reshaping job nature, skill demands, and employment dynamics, directly affecting workers, decent work, and trade unions. Clearly, knowledgeable, responsive, and strong trade unions are essential. This academy aims to equip them with necessary knowledge and tools to understand the interconnectedness of these transitions and competences required to enhance their ability to act, adapt, anticipate, and innovate strategies thereby, safeguarding workers from challenges arising from these transitions.

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