Gender inequalities in the labour market and the imbalance between women and men in unpaid care work have long been pressing issues. Societies and economies rely heavily on both unpaid and paid care work, which is essential for sustaining human, social, and economic development. This situation underscores the urgent need to address the unequal distribution of unpaid care work among families, communities, the market, and the State. Investing in transformative care policies and quality care jobs benefits all workers, care recipients, businesses, societies, and the planet. Investing in care can create decent jobs and promote gender equality. Through this capacity-development programme, participants will explore how to successfully promote decent work in the care economy and enable a more balanced sharing of care responsibilities. The course includes live virtual sessions with international experts and self-guided online modules, covering strategies and tools for identifying transformative policies in care work, macroeconomics, social protection, labour, and migration. The programme has been collaboratively designed by the ITCILO and the ILO-Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Branch, and will feature a broad range of experts. The complete training programme will last about 20 hours, spread over 4 weeks.
This interactive course is designed for ILO constituents, Representatives from Ministries of Labour, Gender Equality and Social Policies fields, Social partners, academics, Equal opportunities Units, Associations of domestic workers, long-term care workers, nursing personnel, and persons interested in care work and the care economy.
In this learning journey, you will be taken through four modules. Main topics include:
In particular, this course will allow participants to:
Investing in care is key for the recovery of economies. Through this course, you will:
This interactive course is designed for ILO’s constituents, as well as persons directly involved in care work, social dialogue and conciliation of working and private life, representatives from Ministries of Labour, Gender Equality and Social Policies fields, social partners, academics, Equal opportunities Units, Associations of domestic workers, long-term care workers, nursing personnel, and persons interested in care work and the care economy in general.
Applications should be submitted through the online application form: