Training of inspectors of labour conditions on board fishing vessels

Training of inspectors of labour conditions on board fishing vessels
Photo © Mi Zhou

Training of inspectors of labour conditions on board fishing vessels

17 Giugno–5 Luglio 2024
Il corso è disponibile in English
Presentazione del corso

This course equips inspectors with the knowledge and tools to promote and ensure decent working conditions on board fishing vessels.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

- Officials from maritime and labour authorities conducting inspections of working and living conditions on board fishing vessels. - Trainers of inspectors. - Representatives of fishing vessel owners' and fishers' organizations can also benefit from the course.

What will you gain from the course?
  • Understanding of the international instruments regulating work in fishing.
  • Capacity to prepare and conduct inspection of working and living conditions on board fishing vessels.
  • Knowledge of tools and techniques to identify and remedy non-conformities, as well as to promote decent working and living conditions in fishing.
What topics does the course cover?
  • The international regulatory framework: inspection and enforcement challenges; the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188) with focus on definitions, scope of application and competent authorities.
  • What is to be inspected: roles and responsibilities, valid documents, crew list, fisher’s work agreement, manning, hours of rest, medical certificates and care, occupational safety and health, food and water, accommodation, payment of fishers, minimum age, recruitment and repatriation, complaint mechanisms.
  • Tools and technics for securing decent living and working conditions on board fishing vessels.
What methods will be used?
  • Interactive self-guided sessions, combined with live sessions via Zoom featuring experts from the ILO and leading fishing institutions.
  • Weekly multiple-choice quizzes.
  • A forum for discussion.
  • Knowledge assessment at the start and at the end of the training.

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