ECOWAS: A Capacity Building toolkit

ECOWAS: A Capacity Building toolkit

Extending social protection to migrant workers in the ECOWAS region

A Capacity Building toolkit on the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security

To enhance decent work and social protection to migrant workers and their families, the ILO is implementing an EU funded project: Extending social protection access and portability of benefits to migrant workers and their families in selected RECs in Africa.  The project aims at strengthening the Regional Economic Communities’ capacities to provide, as well as drive the implementation of regional frameworks on the extension of social protection to migrant workers and their families.

The key project objective for ECOWAS is to improve implementation of ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security by ECOWAS Member States. In this context, the ILO, in collaboration with the ITC-ILO, has developed a Training Toolkit which tackles specific topics relating to the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security. 

Training Toolkit

The Training Toolkit is composed of a learning guide and seven training modules tackling specific topics relating to the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security. Each module encompasses encompass a series of learning activities and interactive training tools intended to strengthen and build capacities of relevant actors at the national and regional level

The Learning Guide introduces participants to the training toolkit and explains how to navigate the the modules. The guide shares a few learning hints and suggestions on how to use the toolkit for a more efficient learning experience

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Social protection in ECOWAS: States, issues, challenges and policy responses 

This module sets the stage and puts social protection in ECOWAS in perspective, providing an overview of existing programmes and interventions, highlighting key issues and challenges and outlining policy options for enhancing social protection coverage.

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Social protection for migrant workers: An overview 

This module provides an understanding of the underlying principles and conceptualization of social protection for migrant workers. The module discusses the specificities of migrant workers and their families, concrete action areas and basic principles of social security relevant to migrant workers.

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Concepts and international standards on coordination of social security

This module presents and discusses concepts, principles and international standards on the coordination of social security schemes. This provides the foundation for understanding the underlying principles, scope, detail and applicability of the ECOWAS General Convention. 

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Introduction to the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security: Origin, context, principles and key provisions

This module provides an overview of the context and key provisions of the Convention, including: Equality of treatment and determination of applicable legislation; categories of benefits covered; maintenance of rights; complaint and appeal mechanisms; and the administrative and financial implications.

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Implementation of the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security: Coordination of social security in the ECOWAS region

This module provides for in-depth analysis and discussions on practical implementation matters and enablers, diving deeper into the technical issues of the key provisions of the Convention and implementation arrangements discussed in Module 4.

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Bilateral and multilateral social security agreements involving contracting parties of the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security

The Convention provides for two or more Contracting Parties to conclude with each other social security agreements based on the principles of the Convention. Contracting Parties may also elect to enter into social security agreements with countries outside the ECOWAS region. This module will describe and discuss key elements and steps in process of negotiating and concluding social security agreements.

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Gaps in the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security

This modules discusses the gaps that exist in the scope and principle of the Convention. These gaps may impact on the effective coverage of migrant workers and their families. It proffers recommendations and action areas for effective implementation of the Convention and extension of social protection coverage to all in the ECOWAS region.

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The ECOWAS general convention on social security

Adopted in 2013, in line with international standards and ILO relevant conventions, the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security represents a step forward to advance social security in the ECOWAS region by promoting the coordination of national social security systems. 

By adopting the General Convention, ECOWAS Member States reinforced their commitment to foster labour mobility, respond to social protection coverage challenges and guarantee the portability of migrant worker’s rights to social security in the region.

Key resources relating to the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security
ECOWAS General Convention

Official version of the ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security

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The popular version developed by the project

In order to facilitate access to information and promote a better understanding of the General Convention, a popular version was developed under the project’s framework. 

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The Ultra popular version (for migrants)

To enhance access to information and to raise awareness among migrant workers and their families, an ultra popular version was developed

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One pager on the Convention

The ECOWAS General Convention on Social Security outlines important aspects that define rights/entitlements and obligations for migrant workers and their employers.

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In collaboration with the ITC-ILO, the ILO has produced the video “#RightsMigrateToo” to raise awareness on the region’s need to promote inclusive national social security systems and ensure portability of migrant worker’s rights for the benefit of all.