ILO global technical team meeting

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ILO global technical team meeting

Register for the ILO’s sustainable enterprise exhibition

22–24 Febbraio 2021
Reenvisioning sustainable enterprises for the world of work

Businesses reinvent themselves daily. Adopting sustainable practices today means generating employment and promoting innovation tomorrow. Resilient, agile enterprises shape the future of a more conscious workforce.

Tools and approaches for sustainable business are just a click away. Curious to join?

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Key features
Global Meetings

Engage in collaborative online discussions on sustainable strategies

Dynamic Exhibition

Learn about ILO best practices showcased worldwide, virtually

Innovative Tools

Interact in a fully virtual environment while socially distant

Skilled Specialists

Gain insights from global experts and practitioners in the field


What are the Global Technical Teams?

Global Technical Teams (GTTs) were established to enhance the relevance and technical quality of ILO work as well as the ability to ‘deliver as one.’

The meetings and other exchanges within and among these teams are to provide opportunities for cross-fertilization of resources and expertise, to develop the knowledge and update the skills of technical staff, to strengthen teamwork to collectively achieve the fulfillment of the P&B outcomes, and to ensure that all technical staff is well-informed regarding the contemporary needs of constituents. GTTs engage technical staff in the current policy debates at the global level.

There are eight GTTs, one for each Policy Department and one each for Statistics and Research. The Enterprises Department’s GTT brings together all of the technical staff reporting their work under outcome 4, whether they are based in Geneva, the field, or Turin, and whether they are in regular budget posts or technical cooperation positions.

What are the objectives?

The overall objective is to contribute to the achievement of outcome 4 of the ILO P&B 2020-21: Sustainable enterprises as generators of employment and promoters of innovation and decent work.

The immediate objectives of the GTT Meeting are to:

  • Jointly review the draft strategy for the promotion of sustainable enterprises developed in response to the results of the 2020 high-level evaluation of outcome 4;
  • Unlock synergies and scale effects in the work done by the Enterprise Department to promote sustainable enterprise practices.

The immediate outcomes of the GTT Meeting are a recommendation for the revision and finalization of the draft strategy for the promotion of sustainability, and an agreement on the roles of each stakeholder in facilitating its implementation over the coming years. 

What will happen?

Participants will gain a better understanding of the upcoming sustainable enterprise strategy and learn about good practices through workforce-centered productivity improvement initiatives. 

The meeting has two parts:

  • two-day online meeting to review the new strategy outline timed in such a manner that GTT members from the different regions can participate during working hours within their respective time zones.
  • A one-day online exhibition to discover ILO approaches and tools to promote sustainable business practices.
Who attends the Global Technical Team Meeting?

The ILO brings together specialists, technical staff, and policy advisors from all around the world to form the Global Technical Team. This year, the final day of the meeting will open up to the ILO public to engage in a broader discussion. 

  • On days 1 and 2 of the online event, participation is limited to members of the Enterprises Department’s GTT.
  • On day 3, the exhibition hall will be open to all GTTs and other ILO staff in HQ, field offices, and ILO DC projects. 
A closer look at the exhibition format

The exhibition will be run on a dedicated online trade fair and conferencing application.

This platform has numerous benefits:

  • Move beyond the traditional webinar space and create a larger digital virtual eco-system around important ILO events;
  • Cost-effectiveness for large outreach and reduced carbon footprint in comparison with physical fairs, supporting current trends as part of UN reform and COVID-19 crisis;
  • Reach global audiences with no need to commute and travel;
  • Visually-rich virtual environment with engagement possibilities for participants via audio and video.

Participants will have the possibility to:

  • Access the event through a virtual lobby;
  • Use an info desk in case of questions or technical issues;
  • Visit the exhibition hall where different online exhibition booths present projects, organizations, companies, or institutions;
  • Participate in the collective auditorium to view live webinars, pre-recorded videos, and semi-live sessions;
  • Receive a virtual bag to record all the online resources and share business cards with other participants.