Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

A guide for EBMO's to promote efficiency and business resilience

Risk management
Photo © Pixabay/ Mohamed Hassan

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) will be more relevant than ever across enterprises, sectors, and countries to foster business resilience and preparedness for future crises. ERM is likely to become an indispensable pillar of best management practices for business continuity and long-term business viability, with significant implications on job creation and job retention.

In this context, Employer and Business Membership Organisations (EBMOs) can play a pivotal role in raising awareness among members about the importance of ERM and support them to develop ERM programmes using an integrated approach to navigate a multi-risks business environment.

This study prepared by the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities is aimed at:

  1. Reviewing what ERM is and why it matters.
  2. Analysing the main features of ERM, the main implementation challenges, and best practices.
  3. Providing guidance about what EBMOs can do to support their members in developing adequate ERM programmes according to best practices.

This report is mainly aimed at EBMOs as a thought piece for future action. However, it will also be of interest and relevance for all those interested in business resilience, business continuity, and an introduction to enterprise risk management.

Managing Risks in Times of Uncertainty

A Rise module on Managing Risks in Times of Uncertainty developed in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is available here: