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Effective representation for employers’ and business member organizations

This programme provides training to strengthen employers’ representatives for economic growth, development, and poverty alleviation.

Training and services for workers worldwide

The ACTRAV programme provides training to promote labour education for workers and workers’ organizations.

Training events, learning tools, and media services for the ITCILO, partners, and clients

Our team is full of lifelong learners who are passionate about making a difference.

From Skills to Impact: Driving Development Forward

This programme provides training to promote concrete action for economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Building peace, fostering social cohesion, and generating jobs

This programme provides training to promote employment generation for countries experiencing conflict and disaster.

Employment policies and programmes for governments and social partners

This programme provides training to promote the design, implementation, and analysis of policies and programmes for full and productive employment.

Learning and training opportunities that advance decent work and equality for all

This programme provides training to promote international labour standards, including rights at work, to strengthen their application and to advance the achievement of decent work for all women and men.

Social justice and inclusive growth for labour administration institutions

This programme provides training to promote tripartite social dialogue for safer and healthier workplaces.

Enterprise development for sustainable businesses and microfinance institutions

This programme provides training to promote business creation and growth for increased employment and decent work.

Integrated capacity building for social justice through decent work

This initiative provides training and services to ILO constituents to deal with key cross-cutting topics and foster policy coherence and coordination.