Effective representation for employers’ and business member organizations
The Programme for Employers' Activities provides training and advisory services to strengthen employers’ representatives for economic growth, development, and poverty alleviation.
Our Programme’s mission is to help Employers and Business Member Organizations (EBMOs) worldwide become the representative and effective voice of business contributing to the creation of favourable conditions for sustainable development.
The Programme delivers on its mandate through a range of capacity-building activities.
EBMOs are most effective when they respond to their members’ needs. Building more strategic EBMOs involves improving organizational structures, governance, and representativeness.
EBMOs have similar mandates around the world, yet are specific in the way they execute them. Our courses foster understanding of the underlying principles, elements and indicators that drive effectiveness of organisations. Through training, networking and benchmarking we explore strategic planning, innovative practices in governance and management, or membership recruitment, retention, and expansion. We also aim to prepare EBMOs for the future of work by exploring regional and global insight on economic and social transformations.
Our training courses are hands-on and provide specific competences for example in the field of membership management tools (CRM) for EBMOs at national and sectoral levels.
Visit the courses section to discover more.
Expanding and professionalizing their service portfolio is crucial for EBMOs to more closely match their members’ needs, as well as increase revenues. Service offers may include information and advisory provision, training courses, networking opportunities for members.
Our training courses provide an overview of best practices, experiences, and tools to support the development of services and their delivery, with a focus on collaborative review.
Our courses are delivered through residential workshops and at a distance. We also have fully-fledged training packages such as the EOSH (Essential Occupational Safety and Health) designed for use by EBMOs towards their member companies.
Visit the courses section to discover more.
EBMOs impact the business environment through research, advocacy efforts, and social dialogue interventions.
Our training courses prepare EBMOs to play an active role in policy development, as well as represent the business perspective at the national and international levels. Our courses foster understanding of how EBMOs can maximise their impact by implementing successful policy influence strategies, highlighting the key steps, elements and methodologies including communication.
Depending of the context in which they work and their priorities, EBMOs may influence policy debates on a wide array of topics from employment, skills or social protection, to more economic and financial matters. They also need to sharpen their contributions to the development, implementation, and operation of institutions at country level.
Visit the courses section to discover more.
EBMOs provide advisory services and develop strategies to promote responsible business conduct for members at the national level and within global supply chains.
Through our courses, EBMOs and companies gain better understanding of the current policy debates and devise solutions to best serve their company members. As part of the portfolio, the programme contributes to raising awareness of EBMOs and companies about their pivotal role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Visit the courses section to discover more.
Innovative training and learning initiatives for global development
Employers' Activities
Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10
10127 Turin – Italy
+39 011 693 6590