Learning Innovation Programme

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Learning Innovation Programme

Training events, learning tools, and media services for the ITCILO, partners, and clients

We provide innovative learning solutions that are:

  • Sustainable
  • Both high- and low-tech
  • Impact-driven

We work with global partners, including UN agencies, development banks, international organizations, governments, and NGOs. We also build capacity within the ITCILO by providing training for all staff.

We believe the future of learning is flexible.

That’s why we design learning experiences that allow you to learn anytime, anywhere. From mobile learning to digital inclusion, we’re always looking for new ways to reach learners.

For years, we’ve provided services like:

  • Instructional design
  • Moderation and facilitation
  • Technical toolkit compilation
  • Tech-enhanced experiences, including virtual and augmented reality

Our courses are unique and tailor-made for specific participants’ needs. 

  • Want to animate your self-paced, tutored, or blended online course with innovative solutions? Email us
  • Interested in collaborating on a VR project? Visit our VR minisite
  • Wondering how to create a great podcast? Join course

Let us energize your next learning event.

We host activities online, on campus in Turin, and in different locations around the world. Our “blended” approach includes both online and face-to-face meetings.

We provide:

  • Event management 
  • Logistics
  • Facilitation
  • Design and visuals
  • Promotion and messaging
  • Evaluation and reporting

Training of trainers is our expertise. We use a comprehensive set of practices, tools, and modules to help trainers become more engaging and more effective facilitators. All our trainers are certified by the International Association of Facilitators.

In every event and workshop, we emphasize human-centered design, participatory delivery, and learning innovation.

We create human-centered content that inspires people to act.

Our guidance goes beyond the classroom. Reach out to our team of experts for help with your next communication and digital media project. 

We provide services like:

  • Digital strategy
  • Branding and visual identity
  • Community engagement
  • Storytelling
  • Campaigns

If your team is curious about communication topics, including social media, web writing, and mobile journalism, we can help. We facilitate solutions-oriented courses and design thinking workshops, where you’ll explore our Design Kit to find out-of-the-box solutions.

  • Want to learn more about our digital media and design services? Email us
  • Interested in communication for development? Join course
  • Wondering how storytelling can affect change? Read story


Positive, solutions-oriented narratives in the world of learning and training

Want to talk?


Learning Innovation Programme

Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10

10127 Turin – Italy


+39 011 693 6504

+39 011 693 6693