This free online course aims to offer an overall understanding of the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Convention No. 122 on Employment Policy.
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Convention No.122 is the key international labour standard most relevant to employment promotion and guides the ILO and States on employment policies. This convention calls upon States to declare and pursue an active employment policy as a major goal, and defines the principles of the employment policy. By exploring the principles outlined in Convention No.122, we will gain insights into the importance of placing the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment as a major goal for stimulating economic growth and development. We will learn the relevant and important topics including related recommendations and ILO’s approach on employment policy as well.
Employment: What is employment
The scope of C.122: What are core princiles of C122. Which recommendations are related to C122.
Employment policy: How many countries have employment policies. Check the good practices of employment policy.
At the end of this learning journey, you will have:
Assess your existing knowledge level before starting
Complete self-guided modules
Pass the final test to get your Participation Certificate
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