Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships

Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships

Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships

27–29 February 2024
The course is available in English, Français, Español
Introduction to the course

The Skills Fair will be a key event to develop capacities related to the topic of apprenticeships and in particular to the implementation of the ILO Recommendation 208 on Quality Apprenticeships. The Skills Fair will pursue system-level capacity building as it will bring together more than 2,000 key stakeholders that, in different roles, participate to the national policy-making and implementation processes of apprenticeship systems. In particular, the event will look at strengthening systems' capacities in including apprenticeships in existing laws and policies, promoting a whole of Government approach to their implementation as well as the meaningful participation of social partners in development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of apprenticeships. Given the event's character of knowledge fair, institutions, and amongst them the tripartite constituents, will be at the heart of the event. The fair will consist of exhibition booths showcasing and disseminating institutional best practices. Thematic sessions on specific apprenticeship-related topics will improve institutions' capacities in the policymaking process. The fair aims also at establishing institutional partnerships thanks to the networking opportunities that will be provided; those partnerships are the legacy of the event and will be followed up in the period after the event. Furthermore, individuals participating in the fair will have ample materials and insights on the seven paragraphs of the recommendation 208, thus enabling them to participate more meaningfully in policy discussions. This is particularly relevant for employers' and workers' representatives involved in tripartite apprenticeship-focused governance bodies.

Who attends this course?

Tripartite constituents ¿ Ministries of Labour, TVET/Skills Development and Education ¿ International and Regional Organizations of workers and of employers ¿ National Trade Union Confederations and EBMOs Development partners: ¿ Development banks ¿ UN agencies ¿ European Union and its specialized agencies ¿ Bilateral cooperation agencies. Networks of relevant organizations - Global Apprenticeship Network and other networks of enterprises. - European Alliance for Apprenticeships - SASASNET - Sub-Saharan Africa Skills & Apprenticeship Stakeholders Network - RAFPRO: Réseau Africain des Fonds de formation PROfessionnelle Academia and civil society: - Training providers - Academia / research institutes - NGOs/CSOs (local and international) Apprenticeship-specific stakeholders: - Regulating and standard setting institutions - Private enterprises and MNEs active in apprenticeships - Apprenticeship intermediaries - Youth groups and apprentices

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