Certification Programme on the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems

Certification Programme Jordan
Photo © daniele-colucci-gOQMwGlYe2I-unsplash

Certification Programme on the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems

This training is open to professionals based in Jordan only

29 septembre–3 octobre 2024
Le cours est disponible en English

Jordan hosts over 759,000 refugees registered with the UNHCR, including more than 658,000 Syrians and over 2 million Palestinians, making up nearly 7% of its population. Most Syrian refugees live in urban areas, straining Jordan’s fragile economy, with the IMF estimating an annual GDP loss of 1% due to the Syrian crisis.

To address these challenges, the Government of the Netherlands established the Partnership for improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities (PROSPECTS), shifting from humanitarian aid to development-focused support. The partnership aims to improve education, decent work, protection, and displacement solutions, aligning with Jordan's Vision 2025 strategy.

As part of the PROSPECTS partnership, ILO Jordan commissioned a Value Chain Analysis in 2022 in the agricultural sector, using the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems (AIMS). The research team conducted a rapid market assessment and sector selection, looking at the tomato, capsicum, date, stone fruit, and  livestock sectors, with the goal of prioritizing the subsectors that have a high potential for refugee inclusion.

Based on the experience in conducting the Value Chain Analysis in 2022, the ILO noted the importance of developing a local pool of experts with a strong understanding of the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems. This training programme seeks to do that, while supporting the ILO in the update and finalization of the existing market systems analyses, which will be used to guide the next phase of the PROSPECTS partnership.

Call for participants

If you are an independent professional or consultant working in the area of Small and Medium Enterprise Development, have experience in working with marginalized groups and/or in migrant’s re-integration, you are encouraged to apply to the Certification Programme on the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems. Upon successful completion of the programme, you will:

  • Receive a certificate of participation delivered by the International Training Centre of the ILO.
  • Receive a certificate of achievement and become a certified analyst in the Approach to Inclusive Market Systems.
  • Become part of a network of AIMS and Value Chain Development analysts, with potential for future collaboration with the ILO.
  • Be qualified to conduct market systems analyses and design programmes to support the economic integration of migrants and returnees.
Certification process

The certification process consists of three phases. You will be required to actively participate in each phase of the programme and to fulfil the tasks below to qualify for certification.

Phase 1: Face to face training programme in Amman, Jordan, from 29 September to 3 October

Phase 2: Fieldwork assignment over a period of 6 weeks

Phase 3: Final test and certification



Selection process

Applicants are invited to fill in the online application form by Thursday 12 September.

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