What will you gain from the course?
- Understanding of the international framework regulating work in fishing and, in particular, of the scope and content of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188).
- Capacity to identify the challenges of effective and coordinated inspection systems.
- Ability to prioritize target vessels (as workplaces), vulnerable groups of fishers.
- Capacity to identify the labour issues to be inspected.
- Capability to develop policies, procedures and tools for inspecting labour conditions on fishing vessels.
- Ability to organize the resources of the inspection services.
- Capability to advise fishing vessel owners, skippers, and – in particular – fishers and workers’ organizations as well as other relevant stakeholders on the best way to comply with the labour regulations and promote decent working and living conditions on fishing vessels.
- Knowledge of tools to promote decent working and living conditions in fishing.